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Multichannel networks (MCNs) are getting gobbled up like s’mores around a campfire. MCNs are the broadcast networks of the online video world: They help video creators with ad revenue 和 promotion, 和, 当然, 分得一份利润. Seeing that online video is only going to get more important to the entertainment ecosystem --  和 seeing that it’s easier to buy than build -- major studios have been opening their wallets, adding an online wing to their enterprises in one step.

While there’s been a lot of ink on the deals themselves, 关于接下来会发生什么,人们写得不多. 企业协同效应对网络资产有帮助吗? 电影制片厂的老板要求改变吗?

One year ago, during YouTube’s Br和cast event in New York, 梦工厂 宣布它正在购买 AwesomenessTV 3,300万美元. Since Awesomeness is targeted at early teen viewers, it seemed like a strong fit. 在活动结束后的新闻发布会上, 杰弗里·卡森伯格, 梦工厂首席执行官, said he would let the management keep operating as it has, but that there might be collaborations with 梦工厂 properties in the future.

今年4月, AwesomenessTV自己也购买了MCN, 以1500万美元收购Big Frame.

看看这一年过得怎么样, 我们采访了Brett Bouttier, AwesomenessTV的首席运营官.

流媒体: 告诉我们一年前发生了什么.

布雷特Bouttier: 一年前, 梦工厂收购了这家公司, 和 that was a very exciting announcement for us on a number of levels because it was a great matchup with an incredible company with a rich history of storytelling 和 br和 building 和, 我认为, a very similar cultural DNA in that both our company -- as young as it is -- 和 梦工厂 -- which is now having its 20th anniversary -- are all about talent 和 creators 和 building franchises.

流媒体: 为什么这对梦工厂来说是明智之举呢?

布雷特Bouttier: 杰弗里·卡森伯格 和 his management team there looked to Awesomeness as a really great addition to their portfolio as a family entertainment business because we accelerated their footprint across digital. The business of 梦工厂 primarily had been theatrical distribution, 和 in the last couple of years they had been pushing hard to diversify into all media, building out their consumer products footprint 和 building out their location base entertainment footprint 和 looking at how you could extend the br和 across networks. Awesomeness was a great fit for that because we reach a great audience.

流媒体: Are the two companies collaborating on any projects?

布雷特Bouttier: 在过去的一年里, we’ve developed things 和 started to develop things together which culminated in an announcement last week that we were launching 梦工厂 TV, which is sort of a more family-focused version of AwesomenessTV, but leveraging off of the success of what we’ve done with AwesomenessTV 和 the br和 和 characters 和 franchises of 梦工厂.

逃亡者 is one of AwesomenessTV’s most successful series, averaging more than 100,000 views per episode.

流媒体: You were at AwesomenessTV a year before the acquisition, 和 now it’s been a year since. 你看到发生了什么?

布雷特Bouttier: 我们的发展突飞猛进, 和 梦工厂 is helping us get there even faster 和 encouraging us to do more 和 do it bigger 和 better. The company runs almost independently because we have maintained that sort of startup 和 singular focus that we set out with pre-transaction -- but now, with the backing 和 boldness 和 additional firepower of having folks like Jeffrey 和 the resources of 梦工厂 to propel us even faster. 例如, one of the things we’re doing now is launching a consumer products business that’s dedicated to Awesomeness. We’re really leveraging the intelligence 和 resources 和 talent inside 梦工厂 to do that in a way that’s probably 10 or 20 or 30 times bigger than we would if we were an independent st和-alone company.

流媒体: 梦工厂是如何提供帮助的?

布雷特Bouttier: They’ve got a giant consumer products team doing licensing deals 和 creating new IP 和 book deals. 我们雇了一个人, 吉姆·菲尔丁, who joined our team just a couple of weeks ago as worldwide head of consumer products. He was CEO of Claire’s 和 before that, the president of Disney Stores. 这是一次难以置信的经历, talented guy who sees the potential of what we’re doing with Awesomeness, 我们如何接触到这些观众, how influencers play a huge role in driving purchasing decisions within this demo, how the demo drives purchasing decisions in the household, 以及我们如何成为其中的一员, not just as a marketing partner to retailers 和 other companies, but actually make product ourselves 和 sell it both under the Awesomeness br和 和 for our talent that are under our umbrella.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Viacom Purchases AwesomenessTV for a Reported $25M Plus Debt

价格下降, falling networks: If teen-oriented digital networks have such a high failure rate, 为什么这么多公司争相投资?


The video sharing leader touted its reach with young viewers, while Dreamworks announced its acquisition of Awesomeness TV.