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Bambuser Review:一个简单的直播接口,但没有多余的装饰

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这是我们回顾流媒体直播服务的四部分系列的第二部分. Read the introduction and Livestream review.

Bambuser's strengths include overall ease of use, 支持超过300个移动设备的广播和播放, the ability to deliver multiple video streams, and a compact embedded player. 另一方面,Bambuser缺乏Ustream提供的流量.tv, and Livestream, 如果你希望你的直播服务提供商(LSSP)能吸引眼球,这是一个糟糕的选择, Bambuser提供的功能通常比其他网站少. 

Bambuser的通道页面是普通的,不可配置的,但具有功能. 默认视图是显示广播者位置的世界地图, which is unique and kind of fun. 其他选项卡显示网站的基本信息,如位置和所有者, comments from viewers, and sharing functions, which includes posting a link to Facebook, Twitter, and several other services, as well as chat. 频道页面还提供对所有存档视频的访问, plus live videos from other Bambuser broadcasters.

Bambuser的访问控制特别有限:视频要么是公开的, letting anyone watch them, or private, where only you can watch them, but there's nothing in between. 其他网站提供密码保护视频的功能,这是一个有用的选择. 其他网站也提供更成熟的按次付费和订阅服务, 所以如果你想通过视频赚钱,Bambuser不应该是你的首选.

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Figure 1. Bambuser's channel page.

Bambuser's embedded player is compact and competent, 将一系列相关的功能打包到一个紧凑的空间中,使其能够整齐地适应整个网页. You can customize the size to your liking, 并选择是否包含Facebook like按钮等功能, sharing options, access to archived content, and basic account information. 预览模式可以很容易地看到你正在选择哪些选项.

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Figure 2. Bambusers' embedding options.

However, Bambuser不提供像Ustream扩展这样的高级功能, or the ability to schedule broadcasts. Bambuser也不能在你的广播期间访问Facebook和Twitter聊天等功能, which several other services offer, and it can't embed a player in Facebook so that video is played there; you can only provide a link within Facebook.

Broadcasting with Bambuser

Bambuser基于浏览器的广播控制台易于使用, 但缺乏诸如指定出站音频和视频数据速率的功能, 对于流畅的直播性能来说,哪些是必不可少的. As you can see in Figure 3, you also have volume control, frame rate control, and access to chat, as well as sharing options.

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Figure 3. Bambuser's web-based broadcast module.

在我的台式电脑和东芝Thrive上播放时,嵌入式播放器运行良好, 但我的iPad或iPod Touch上没有闪存播放器, though Bambuser should offer HTML5 embed codes soon. 这些视频确实在我的iOS设备上从Bambuser的频道页面播放. On all platforms, the video played with minimal latency, 但视频质量一直受到微弱的阻塞的影响, 我在使用基于Flash player的浏览器编码器创建的所有视频中都看到了.

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Figure 4. Bambuser's compact and efficient embedded player.

Seeking improved quality, I went to Bambuser's channel page, 有明确的说明与第三方工具,如Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE)和Telestream Wirecast工作. Specifically, 您可以从您的通道页面下载一个XML文件以导入到这些工具中,该文件提供了所有必需的登录凭据和服务器地址. After that, it's business as usual; choose your audio and video sources and start the broadcast.

Video quality was noticeably better using the H.264 codec available in both Wirecast and FMLE, 此外,您可以更精确地控制音频和视频带宽. 如果您选择Bambuser作为您的直播服务提供商, 您绝对应该考虑使用这些第三方服务之一.

因为Bambuser的主要优势之一是基于移动的广播, 我使用该公司的iPhone/iPod Touch应用程序进行了一些快速测试. 一旦我下载了免费的应用程序并登录,广播就变得简单了. Unlike most other services, if you're broadcasting over bandwidth-limited pipes, Bambuser在您的移动设备上以全质量捕获视频,并可以在广播完成后上传更高质量的文件. 这样,您就有了一个高质量的版本作为您的点播文件.

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Figure 5. Bambuser的移动播放器上的广播很简单.

On the other hand, Bambuser缺乏Ustream iPhone应用程序提供的投票和聊天等功能, 虽然我不知道如何在iPhone上拍摄视频的同时还能聊天(你可能需要十几岁才能做到这一点)。.

如果您需要广泛的移动支持,请考虑使用Bambuser进行直播, which Bambuser lists at http://bambuser.com/phones. 对于那些寻求整体易用性的人来说,它也是一个不错的选择, 因为相对缺乏的功能确实转化为一个更简洁的界面和更少的选项. 如果你想要吸引眼球,或者想要通过视频赚钱,那就避开Bambuser. 

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