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Online Video Through Broadcasting Eyes

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In the midst of all the hustle 和 bustle that is IBC, 微软 for the past few years has held court in the Topaz Lounge, 二楼的中心位置为公司提供了一个超越竞争的机会,并提供了一个更放松的环境, 该公司为广播公司和消费者提供的许多服务的整体视图,这些消费者观看并与他们的产品互动.

然而,今年, 微软 还有两个伙伴InterxioniStreamPlanet-举办了一场场外活动,旨在更好地了解广播公司对在线视频内容创作和交付的需求. 

在阿姆斯特丹Interxion公司总部附近的一个新的全尺寸数据中心的会议室举行, the session included representatives from four broadcasters: the 英国广播公司, CTV (加拿大) NRK (挪威), 特纳. 此外, AT&T3级 是代表.

Offered the opportunity to facilitate the 3-hour discussion, 我欣然接受了, 因为人们很少有机会听到一群广播公司对在线视频行业现状的看法.

我一开始就告诉大家,除了三位主持人,我不会直接引用其他人的话, so what follows are a few summary thoughts that came out of the workshop:

Making Up Is Easy to Do
When asked about positive surprises that came out of the Vancouver Olympics, 一位中央电视台的代表说,最大的惊喜是它能够帮助传统广播频道“做好”插播.

Most advertising packages sold today are a mix of traditional broadcast, 横幅广告, 和 online video ads. 广告商通常会指定广告预算的特定部分用于在线投放, with the rest going to traditional broadcasting.

考虑到在温哥华奥运会期间使用在线视频来展示替代内容, 然而, 在线广播能够提供“不错的”广告位置,而传统广播频道可能没有可用的广告位.

“我记得一个7a.M. emergency meeting was called on the third day of the Olympics,米奥·巴比奇说, president of iStreamPlanet, 是研讨会的主持人之一,也是奥运会在线的主要服务提供商. "I thought we'd done something wrong, 但CTV只是想告诉我们,我们在这几天内的广告数量超过了预期, 我们现在将协助从传统的广播目录中插入广告."

According to the CTV representatives, 奥运会是一个分水岭,在线广播公司能够为其传统广播合作伙伴提供直接影响广告收入底线的增值服务. Which brings up an interesting set of questions that bear further discussion


在关于度量和分析的对话中,让我印象深刻的是,我们, the online video industry, have been promising robust tools for years. Ever since the inception of a "streaming media industry" in the late 1990s, 在颗粒级别上跟踪消费者观看模式的前提是我们所做的基本原则. 然而,广播公司告诉我们,这些数据是有帮助的——尽管有些肤浅——但围绕这些数据的知识和商业智能仍然缺乏.

例如, in live events that use ad-insertion technology, 消费者离开笔记本电脑或台式电脑的模式是否与他们离开电视直播的模式相同? 以及在当天晚些时候观看相同内容的点播时发生的情况? Does a consumer settle in 和 watch the whole event, knowing that the pre-recorded content is contained within a set period of time, or do they pause the event for periods of time equivalent to a commercial break?

最后, 在特定事件的特定时间,我们是否看到了内容放弃的一致模式, 和 can we account for the reasons (e.g., quality of content, time of day, day of week)?  这些都是商业智能解决方案需要从消费者观看习惯收集的大量原始数据中收集到的问题.

最后, 另一位出席会议的流媒体作者质疑,较低的在线视频观看数字是否比传统广播公司基于尼尔森收视率的估计更准确. While no answer was forthcoming during the discussion, I used the same line of questioning when I met with TiVo executives, 和 hope to address this more in an upcoming article.

Weekend (Mobile) Warriors?
英国广播公司的一名代表在研讨会上表示,他们的游戏机流量超过了移动设备, 这引发了关于3屏和20屏交付方案的长时间讨论. 

Apparently the growth of gaming consoles, 各种形式的移动设备和其他非传统设备(如iPad)共同困扰着内容创造者, 编码解决方案, 和 delivery networks equally. Yet none of the broadcasters said that the challenge was insurmountable, in part because of the patterns of game console 和 mobile viewing.

虽然我最初的想法是,移动观看将以“零食”概念的形式出现在移动世界大会和其他以移动为中心的展会上, 广播公司认为,他们的观众在更集中的时间框架(周末)使用移动设备,而不仅仅是在回家的路上观看现场直播.

所有出席会议的在线广播公司都表示,在非工作时间和工作日,他们的移动观看量急剧上升, 更具体地说, there is a consistent spike on Sundays. The discussion around this revelation, consistent across two continents, 引发了关于使用移动设备作为体育游戏的替代观看方式的讨论, or even sports statistics, while a consumer was also viewing a game on their traditional television screen.

New Interfaces 和 Technologies
The wrap-up question that I asked dealt with the viewing of 3D content online, 因为对传统广播公司来说,在线播放3D内容的风险要低得多, as they await a potential (but not guaranteed) uptick in sales of 3D televisions.

The broadcasters represented opted not to reveal specific plans, 但他确实说过,网络视频的成功现在为传统媒体公司的在线广播部门提供了坐在谈判桌前共同探索新想法的权利.

3D wasn't first on the list, 然而, 大多数与会者都在寻找增强在线内容交互性的方法, 这使得阿姆斯特丹研讨会成为未来广播节目中进一步讨论的完美载体.

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