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The simplest way to understand the EasyLive service is to think of it as a video mixer in the cloud. You can input videos from multiple sources; add titles, logos, Twitter feeds, and scorecards; and push the output to one or more live streaming services.

为什么你想要一个云上的视频混频器,而不是一个可以在本地运行的? First, 你可以派一个带摄像机记录仪的摄影师去参加一个活动,并添加图像, scoreboards, and logos from the comfort of the home office. Second, if the stream stops due to bandwidth, camera, or computer problems, 您可以自动替换您选择的视频或其他消息. Third, though some video mixers can output to multiple services, 在源端需要相当大的带宽才能完成此任务, which often isn’t available. With EasyLive, it’s one stream up to the cloud, 你可以提供给多个目标,如YouTube Live, Facebook, DaCast, 或大多数其他基于实时消息传递协议(RTMP)的服务.

Similarly, 尽管大多数视频混音器都可以保存一小段视频片段,以便上传到Twitter或Facebook, these uploads compete with your live stream for bandwidth. With EasyLive, 您可以创建和推出剪辑到各种服务,而不会影响直播流. In the context of a seminar or conference, 您可以在白天录制多个会话,并立即保存并发送到多个视频点播(VOD)网站重播, all while continuing to livestream to multiple locations. If you’re serving multiple foreign language markets, 你可以发送一个视频流,母语使用者可以为每个市场解说. Better yet, 这些功能中的大多数都可以通过应用程序编程接口(API)来驱动。, simplifying repetitive events.

Sound interesting? In this review, 我将引导您通过基于web的用户界面(UI)使用EasyLive设置和运行实时事件的过程。. 在本文末尾的侧边栏中,我还提供了一个简短的Q&描述了法国足球俱乐部巴黎圣日耳曼如何以及为什么使用这项服务.

Setting Up

登录服务后,在EasyLive控制室启动. 在这里,你可以通过点击右边的图标连接到你的视频和社交平台 Figure 1, logging in, and granting the necessary permissions. 在我的系统中,我登录了Twitter、Facebook、dast和YouTube Live. If your service isn’t shown, 您可以通过将流名称和RTMP地址插入EasyLive UI来手动添加它.


Figure 1. 我把我的流媒体发送到dast和YouTube Live,我也和Facebook和Twitter联系. 

配置好输出后,通过五步向导创建实时事件(参见 Figure 2 on the next page). The first step is to choose your encoder, 这可以是任何编码器能够连接到一个RTMP直播流服务器. 在我的测试中,我连接了Wirecast和OBS(开放广播软件). To make the encoder/EasyLive connection, EasyLive provides the server URL and stream name, which you plug in to your encoder, along with your username and password.


Figure 2. 下面是安装向导中的第4步,在这里输入推送到输出平台的元数据.

接下来,选择EasyLive将输出的流的质量. I used 720p at 1.7Mbps for my tests. 请注意,EasyLive必须解码流以插入所有图形和其他覆盖. 这意味着另一层压缩,但YouTube的输出质量对我来说非常好. After configuring the stream, choose your target outputs. 如果你没有把输出输入控制室, you can add them here, or even during the event itself. Then, 输入元数据并为输出目标选择选项(图2), and click once more to enter the event interface shown in Figure 3. 在这里,您将配置输出流的外观并控制事件.


Figure 3. 这是事件接口,您将在其中配置流外观并控制事件. 

进入事件界面后,单击“开始预览”查看传入流. 请注意,EasyLive为每个事件提供了一个单独的Amazon Web Service (AWS), which can take up to 5 minutes. 如果您过早地按下“开始预览”,您将收到服务器不可用的消息. Wait a bit and then try again.

图3显示了事件界面,左上角是预览窗口. 视频窗口的用户界面由图3右上方所示的Event 's interface下拉列表控制. If you’re running a sporting event, 您可以选择可以通过各种计分板服务提供的计分板, such as Bodet, or you can update the scoreboard manually. 所有记分牌连接都需要对EasyLive API进行一些自定义编程, but it’s free for all the larger services.

通过单击主界面中的Displays选项卡选择显示模型, which takes you to the screen shown in Figure 4. 在这里,您将加载和配置屏幕的各种元素, including the long placeholder text and lower third title, and the Streaming Learning Center logo on the upper right. As you can see, you can choose options such as color, size, font family, and the like, 通过控件放置或直接在预览窗口中单击并拖动设计元素. You’ll customize the text itself, and enable and disable the display, in the Title column on the lower left of Figure 3. 如果你有多个说话者,这使得改变标题变得很简单, or to change other text descriptors. 另外,您可以使用API以编程方式控制图形.


Figure 4. Composing the video window 

请注意,EasyLive的Twitter输出仅限于来自一个Twitter帐户的tweet. This allows you to easily capture tweets from a speaker, or a speaker’s company, but not reactions to the subject matter. 大多数其他Twitter捕获功能都允许捕获一个或多个标签, which lets viewers interact with the stream. EasyLive最初避免了这种方法,因为担心Twitter没有得到审核, but it will add hashtag support in a future release.

在图3的右下角是动画(实际上是视频或静态图像),您可以将其放入实时提要中. They can be either full­screen or picture­in­picture. These videos can be VOD content, 但每个视频上传限制为100MB,最多10个视频的总上传限制为100MB. You can use these for advertisements. Because the videos are added directly into the stream, instead of being called from an ad server, ad blockers can’t block them.

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