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TVGuide.com Study Charts the Rise of Co-Viewing

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A household with members watching different shows isn't new. 有什么新鲜的是,多亏了移动设备,他们现在可以在同一个房间里看不同的节目了.

最近在洛杉矶举行的流媒体西部大会上,他在红毯采访中说道, Brandon DiMassa, TV Guide Digital业务发展高级副总裁, explained the surprising findings of a recent TVGuide.com study.

“近50%的用户告诉我们,他们正在做一种现在被称为共同观看的事情. 有一个人拿着遥控器看电视, 另一个人在房间里用不同的设备在他们的iPad上播放其他内容, their iPhone," said DiMassa. "That's a pretty significant shift from a couple of years ago where some of that just wasn't possible and this is creating a new dynamic, something that content creators have to think about, and also for us creating an opportunity to create a product that actually gives you guidance to that- kind of that co-view device, if you will."

The TVGuide.Com的一项研究着眼于观众喜欢和不喜欢第二屏幕应用程序的哪些属性. Surprisingly, social features scored poorly.

“诸如‘酷’、‘我如何与朋友联系’等属性的排名要低得多. So not to say that those things are unimportant, 但在可信度方面存在相当大的差异, 当人们想要决定如何把时间花在对他们来说最重要的应用上时, 而不是其他一些应用程序所附带的一些花哨的东西," DiMassa explained.

For more study results, watch the video below.

Troy: Hi, everyone. 我是Troy Dreier,流媒体高级副编辑.来自洛杉矶流媒体西部的红毯. 今天和我一起的是我们第一天的主讲人,《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的布兰登·迪马萨. Brandon was a surprise keynoter due to Hurricane Sandy. We had little problems but TV Guide was already doing a major presentation at the show and was very happy to do it a little bit earlier so that they became the first-day keynoter. Welcome, Brandon. Introduce yourself to the audience.

Brandon: Sure. My name is Brandon. I run business development for TVGuide.com and TV Guide Mobile, 这基本上意味着我要做很多事情,包括管理我们与视频提供商的合作关系, data providers, e-commerce solutions, 最近,我们正在努力开发最新的应用程序,并于8月在IOS上重新发布.

Troy: Very good. 现在我想谈一下你在主题演讲中谈到的结果. You guys did a study, right, 告诉我你在看什么,以及在你的结果中出现的喜欢和不喜欢的东西.

Brandon: Sure. So we really want to find out from our users and across the country what were the most important attributes when they're looking across TV sites and TV apps particularly on the social TV side, 我们发现的其中一件事就是高质量, trustworthy. These attributes actually scored the highest amongst all of them well above things like cool and unique and actually kind of how do I connect with my friends, 所以让我们有点惊讶的是,这些属性的差异竟然如此之大.

Troy: 给我举个例子,你正在看的一些流行的网站或应用程序,只是为了帮助人们理解你在研究什么.

Brandon: Sure. Well, 如果你看一下网站,我们看一下门户网站, Yahoo TV, MSN, Zap2it, 一些大多数人熟悉的电视门户网站和电视网站, and on the mobile side there are some startups like Fanhattan and things of that nature that we know a lot of people are using and kind of compete with our site and our apps. So we've had a long look across both of those platforms to really see what people found the most interesting and also where we fit in across those attributes.

Troy: Were you looking at apps and sites that allowed people to view video on them or that directed them to broadcast experiences they might like?

Brandon: A little bit of both. I think for the most part we were looking at apps like ours that- and to be sort of a discovery and launching point into other services where you can actually consume the content so we wanted to get a good breadth of sites and apps to really measure ourselves against. 所以《百家乐软件app最新版下载》实际上在这些关键属性上得分第一或第二, trustworthy, high quality. 我们的品牌一直是我们所依赖和利用的东西. It's a 60-year-old brand but I think the most interesting thing if you look across mobile that with all the explosion of apps across audio- apps that allow you to check in, that have audio-synced content, check-in apps, there's a whole ecosystem of these types of apps, 其中有很多,我们的特别突出,因为我们的品牌, 因为我们确实关注用户真正需要的一些关键东西, and that really allows us to stand out. 我们成为了人们购买iPhone时会下载的标准应用程序, when they buy a tablet, and that really is to kind of help us in the space a lot.

Troy: You're really caught up in the changing role of TV, right, about how it's no longer just a lean-back experience, 现在是第二流,人们同时在看第二流——在看别的东西的同时看第二流, and you said something very interesting in your keynote, 你会让人们在同一时间在同一个房间里欣赏不同的表演.

Brandon: That's right. 几乎50%的用户告诉我们,他们正在做一种现在被称为“共同观看”的事情. 有一个人拿着遥控器看电视, 另一个人在房间里用不同的设备在他们的iPad上播放其他内容, their iPhone. That's a pretty significant shift from a couple of years ago where some of that just wasn't possible and this is creating a new dynamic, something that content creators have to think about, and also for us creating an opportunity to create a product that actually gives you guidance to that- kind of that co-view device if you will. So the products that we've created, our Watch This product, our new apps, they're all designed that if I'm sitting there holding my iPhone on the couch or my iPad it helps me figure out sort of what I want to immerse myself into, what can I launch into going into Hulu Plus, into iTunes, into HBO Go. 我们将帮助你在这些平台上找到节目,我们已经与这些不同的应用程序进行了整合.

Troy: 让我们直接进入你的研究结果,被喜欢的东西,不喜欢的东西. 我们称他们为欢呼和嘲笑,那么欢呼是什么呢?

Brandon: 在大多数情况下,一些更抽象的东西,比如值得信赖,高质量. 这些都是用户认为对他们最重要的东西. When they're looking across these dozens and dozens of choices those are the ones that sort of the 80 to 85 percent clip that said that they were looking for the most. And then on the flip side -

Troy: Jeers?

Brandon: Yeah. On the flip side, attributes like cool, how do I connect with my friends ranked much lower so not to say that those things are unimportant but they just- there's a pretty big discrepancy in terms of trustworthiness, what- 当人们想要决定如何把时间花在对他们来说最重要的应用上时 而不是其他一些应用程序所附带的一些花哨的东西.

Troy: It was kind of a shock to me because when a new app comes out they're always emphasizing social as if everybody's clamoring to tell their friends what they're watching at that moment and that everybody wants to exchange tweets with their friends while watching the show. 然后你发现这对人们来说并不是最重要的.

Brandon: That's correct. One of the issues that some of these startups have that do focus on social is that there's no scale so that you get on to one of these startups and you find that there's not many friends that you can connect with on that particular app so it's something you try and then you sort of put aside. With our app we have scale. 我们有800万的下载量,近200万的活跃用户. It's something that people can come to and a lot of people are using and sort of embracing so that's an issue that- that's an advantage that we have again with our brand, with our history and with our scale on the dot com side. We're a very, 对他们来说,这是一个非常熟悉的公司,人们愿意冒险,愿意投入一些时间. 创业公司在他们有能力的时候——开发一些炫目的应用程序, and then there are some great apps out there, 他们的缺点是没有规模因为他们的产品刚刚推出.

Troy: We're in L.A. 有很多内容人员,很多工作室都参加了你的主题演讲. 你希望他们能从你的研究中得到什么? What can the studios learn from it?

Brandon: I think the key thing here is that--and this was sort of the headline of our presentation--is that TV is- really has changed forever. Some of the viewing habits that we're seeing directly based on feedback from our panel is that they're really changing the way they're discovering content. While it's no longer about these shows are debuting on this day at eight o'clock and that's still a part of it but there's a whole another part that shows people are discovering content through these streaming choices. One of the key stats we showed is that 56 percent of people are discovering shows after they've aired halfway through the season or sometimes even two or three seasons after the show first premieres. So that changes really perception of how when a producer creates a show and it needs to be successful in terms- from a rating standpoint on the air you also have to look at well, how is that show going to perform in the years to come and how are they going to be discovered on these new platforms whether they're streaming or over the top. 对我来说,这是我们从内部小组中看到的最重要的变化和反馈之一.

Troy: Thank you so much for joining me, Brandon. 这是一个很棒的主题演讲,有很多很棒的发现,我从中学到了很多. So coming to you from the red carpet this is Troy Dreier.

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