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流媒体工具箱:FILMIC Pro, Bitcentral FUEL, Touchstream VirtualNOC


The new work environment has changed a lot of things and we have three products which can offer some much-needed remote control. First up is an app called Filmic Pro which provides cinema controls to mobile devices. Bitcentral shows off FUEL for coordinating advertising with news content (hint: no pre-rolls are involved), 最后是Touchstream的Virtual NOC, to ensure stream output is going out in the network operations center without problems.

Filmic Pro

Filmic Pro is an iOS and Android app that provides gives mobile devices the advanced manual controls found on cinema cameras for live streaming. 最新的版本有能力输出干净的HDMI, 从设备输出中剥离任何软件接口控制.

该应用程序可以安装在多个移动设备上. To have cameras recognized as webcam output requires purchase something like a Blackmagic Atem Mini, which supports up to four HDMI inputs or the El Gato Cam link 4 K for single-camera support.

有设置ISO、快门速度和定义特定对焦区域的功能. 在界面上,圆形的线用于曝光,方形的线用于对焦. 点击任意一个都会锁定设置.

白平衡控制可用, and presets can be used on multiple devices to tune in the exact temperature for professional lights. “我们让用户完全控制自己的白平衡, 这是你想要的现场演播室环境吗, Filmic Pro的独特之处在于我们有对数曲线和平坦曲线,产品经理艾略特·菲茨罗伊说, 产品经理. 

Output settings on mobile devices are limited to whatever hardware the device supports. 具有4K容量的设备支持4K.

Fitzroy表示:“我们为用户提供了完整的手动控制和实时分析功能. "So if I use the manual focus you see that nicer focus peaking that is found on high end cameras. 我们对曝光工具的斑马叠加做同样的事情(红色表示过度曝光), which makes it very easy for the user to visualize focus and exposure using all the standard scopes, 无论是假彩色地图, 剪裁覆盖, 或者集中注意力,确保我们的注意力是完美的," he says.

Filmic allows users to access up to two extra stops of dynamic range over the native iPhone camera, 这给了射手更多的灵活性,在站位,等级和匹配的东西. 

Filmic offers a companion app called Filmic Remote that can be used to remotely control the mobile device, 但这不是必需的. Using the Filmic Remote app, you can wirelessly control any of the four cameras within your setup. “是什么让它变得如此强大, 不是让我起床吗, 绕着桌子走, 被电缆绊倒, 躲到相机后面,对自己进行调整,这几乎是不可能的, 从这里我可以无线接入我的任何一个摄像头,菲茨罗伊说。. “实际上,我可以不用起床就把所有东西都拨进去." 

这些应用程序使用起来很简单,我很快就开始使用了. 他们有万向节支撑, 蓝牙麦克风输入为无损或有损,更多细节在这里, filmicpro.com. 

价格:$ 14.filmpro App售价9美元.99电影远程应用程序从iOS和Android应用程序商店.

Filmic Pro

Filmic Pro现在提供干净的HDMI输出.


Bitcentral 创建的燃料, a video platform to simplify the workflow for getting broadcast content online and configured with digital ads. The company found there was almost 30% more ad views on content streamed with ad pods within content opposed to pre-roll. "We're taking that live feed that's going on to television and we're able to stream that out on all the digital platforms and do server side ad insertion to replace the ads that were in the original broadcast and insert digital ads,高级产品经理大卫·海明威说.

There is no playlist management; rather, the system builds dynamic channels. The customers need to get content into the system and make sure the right metadata is associated so they can build these dynamic channels. 当内容进入平台时, 它被分配给客户端定义的类别和自定义标记, 内容根据这些标签构建频道. “我们把分开的碎片拼接在一起, so it looks like television and will continue to play and insert ads into this continuous linear stream海明威说。.

Bitcentral has the ability to create ad pods at whenever interval a publisher wants, and claims this can generate more ad avails per hour of consumption than a pre-roll (A/B and third party publishing tests saw a 29% drop off with pre-roll).   

FUEL features a clipping tool that uses IBM Watson to create a full-text video transcript. "It provides the ability for a non-editor professional editor to come in and do a really effective, efficient job to be able to get content clip from source content and get it out the door,海明威说. 

FUEL可以创建直播和点播频道. 不间断的直播功能提供了轻松访问直播或追赶观看."如果你晚了15分钟看新闻, why should you be penelized from seeing the top stories that are always at the beginning of the newscast?海明威说。. FUEL可以将现场节目插入点播内容, 优先显示未观看的内容, and has the ability to set embargo and expiration dates to coordinate when rights expire. 

我喜欢他们的想法,这个平台看起来很简单, 易于使用和深思熟虑. However, 我只看了一个演示,并没有自己使用它, so I have no insight into actual functionality either of the platform or the ad serving technology. Bitcentral不公布定价.




Touchstream 提供虚拟NOC(网络运营中心), 一个产品,从他们自己的CDN和源监控汇总指标, 以及其他供应商的编码, audience, 广告插入指标. “我们试图做的是以虚拟的方式可视化NOC, 这样你就不用在那个到处都是屏幕的大房间里了,首席执行官兼联合创始人Brenton Ough说.

Network operation centers can use this 6-month old product to monitor hundreds of channels. 有问题的通道首先显示在仪表板上, 使用红色表示停电, 绿色永存, 黄色和橙色表示中间状态. All thresholds are configurable, with the ability to filter by product, format, CDN, or channel name. 所有相同的指标也可以使用Touchstream的API.

虚拟NOC协调并显示其他产品探测器收集的数据. "With the telemetry API you can get the concurrency, the channel name, the program name, etc. We try to be agnostic to every tool," says head of OTT monitoring and development Pedro Tavanez. “我编写了一个脚本来查询API或SNT端点或网页, 我收集了所有的信息, 构建一个JSON格式并发送到我们的API."

“我们对观众进行监控, 从Conviva, Mux, 工作中的好人, 然后把这些数据整合到一个视图中,Ough说。. “我们有一大堆基于硬件的插件. 我们有一个元素编码器, 谐波编码器……我们甚至为我们的竞争对手开发了一个插件, Telestream." 

The audience measurements report details on how many active users (to see how many people are impacted by a problem), 总玩, 独特的用户, 平均游戏时间, EPG, 缓冲比率, 总错误. 对于编码,它们测量转码器何时丢弃帧和带宽使用.

虚拟NOC监控广告服务,以查看广告是否正在投放, 看看诸如成功计数之类的错误代码, 预取数, 超过填充限制. “我们正在分析清单中的广告插播和条目, 根据SCTE 35,Ough说.

For CDNs, 虚拟NOC测量平均速度, 下载和播放所需的时间越长(数值越高), 更有问题的是交付, indicating video will start to buffer because the fragment is taking too long to download). “我们从主清单中收集了很多标头, 我们将针对我们正在监测的每一项决议作出回应,塔瓦内兹说. “我们可以为有安全保障的客户使用特定密钥签署请求."  CDN工具已经进入市场七年了. 他们还管理来自本地系统的报告. 有任何错误的自动电子邮件通知, 具有可配置的重复功能,直到问题被清除.

"When something goes wrong in live streaming, you just look [to see] how far back did it go red?Ough说。. "The idea is to be able to rapidly identify the root cause in a very visual way and then give the operator. 嵌入到其他工具的链接[管理页面].“我没有能力亲自演示这个工具. 定价是按月和按年的,不公布.

Touchstream的虚拟NOC监控内容交付网络, encoding, 还有其他数据, 使用颜色编码系统快速识别问题.




想要生成和制作动态视频, detailed, and customizable virtual environments using nothing but the built-in video capabilities of your smartphone plus a single subscription-service app? Skyglass电影效果相机应用程序使之成为可能, IEBA Communications的安东尼·布罗卡斯解释了其中的原因.

流式工具箱:GrayMeta虹膜任何地方,Vimond VIA Live,和StreamClick

The latest installment of the Streaming Toolbox looks at a remote production tool for creating interactive content, 提供实时和实时线性规划的调度工具, 以及用于源文件分析的协作质量控制(QC)工具.


A trio of products and services tailor-made for today's work-from-home streaming producers and engineers, combining pro-quality live streams with cloud-based content management and multi-CDN edge delivery.

流式工具箱:Hovercast, Prophet和脉冲星

在本期中, 我们着眼于互动直播的产品, AD库存定价, 和CDN平衡

流媒体工具箱:Zixi, Cleeng和Penthera

我们着眼于内容传输的B2B智能层, 支持客户关系管理决策的公司, 还有一项方便离线观看的服务.

流式工具箱:cinnaffilm PixelStrings, THEOplayer和共振AI

在本期的The Streaming Toolbox中, 我们将介绍一个转换视频格式的平台, another tool that actually looks at what is resonating with viewers using AI and machine learning (ML), and a third that is a player which is delivering the product the first two tools are working with.

流式工具箱:Valossa, signant和Red5 Pro

This month, 我们着眼于内容识别工具, 文件传输, 以及低延迟的webtc流媒体
