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What Happens When the Super Bowl Stream Buffers? Buffer Rage!

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随着第50届超级碗周末的到来,卡罗莱纳黑豹队战胜丹佛野马队的胜算更大. 然而,可以肯定的是,直播观众人数将超过去年的1人.3 million concurrent viewers.

流媒体是体育团队和广播公司的一项关键服务,因为它们试图吸引那些放弃高额付费电视订阅的消费者. 但有一个问题值得关注:如果直播流缓冲,这种势头会发生什么?

这是网络性能工具供应商提出的问题 IneoQuest which has compiled a timely study, 由第三方研究公司research Now委托进行, 研究发现,在引起观众愤怒的能力方面,体育缓冲比其他所有视频类别都要强. Buffer Rage的调查发现,三分之二的体育直播观众对缓冲或其他服务质量问题的失望程度评分为7分(满分10分). 调查指出,五分之二的观众会等待10秒或更短的时间来恢复缓冲视频.

Cord-cutting continues to build momentum. OTT视频订阅量上升,而付费电视订阅量下降, according to consumer data released in December by the Pew Research Center. 报告指出,曾经订阅有线电视或卫星电视的美国人中,有15%的人已经取消了他们的服务. 此外,39%的千禧一代认为自己是掐线族 research published last month by Arkansas-based Field Agent.

职业体育联盟去年开始接受直播, 为渴望观看自己喜爱球队比赛的掐线球迷提供直播.

“These streaming packages, while a step in the right direction, haven’t been introduced without challenges,” says IneoQuest senior director of marketing Kurt Michel. “Blackout rules, device restrictions, and service interruptions, including buffering and poor quality video, have been enraging diehard fans for months.”

Despite these challenges, 他表示,粉丝们愿意尝试让它发挥作用,而不是为高成本的有线电视套餐付费. However, 掐线趋势意味着,类似下面这种情况出现的频率增加只是时间问题. 

本赛季早些时候,雅虎首次直播NFL比赛 referred to as a “disaster” by Business Insider, Michel notes.. Reporter Cork Gaines wrote; “While I didn’t expect perfection in Yahoo’s first attempt at an NFL live stream, 屏幕出现像素化或模糊的情况太多了.” 

Viewers also saw plenty of video freezing and jumping. These interruptions happened every few plays, Gaines said, even though his internet connection was working perfectly.

Last year, NBC's stream of the Super Bowl was "mostly ok," CNN说,但是网络流媒体抱怨广告被屏蔽了. This time around, 哥伦比亚广播公司体育频道(CBS Sports)已经承诺,将尽可能接近实时的方式直播每一个商业广告.

有趣的是,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)报道称,最近的AFC冠军赛野马队和新英格兰爱国者队之间的直播创下了纪录, 与去年的亚足联冠军赛相比,观看人数和播放时间都增长了三位数. More than 1.200万独立观众在笔记本电脑上观看了超过8900万分钟的报道, desktops, connected TV devices, tablets, and mobile phones, with viewers watching for more than 69 minutes on average.

“The looming potential quality issues—freezing, jumping, buffering, 模糊和像素化的图像——可能意味着在你的流媒体重新开始之前,你的手机上是否能看到一个重要的节目或收到移动提醒,” Michel says. 对许多人来说,广告是主要的表演——除非它们播放得很糟糕,引发了缓冲愤怒.” 

在问题到达OTT观众之前,Michel的解决方案是通过端到端的性能可见性监控和分析关键问题, 在内容传输到观众设备的过程中,要有明确的点. “Just like TV broadcasters learned decades ago,” he adds. 

随着OTT努力实现广播(甚至4K/UHD)质量, 体育将继续成为直播技术的主要试验场.

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