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If you're looking for proof that OTT is disrupting traditional broadcast, look no further than one of the keynote speakers for this year's 流媒体西部 and 直播峰会雅虎高级总监奥默•卢扎蒂! Inc. and head of the company's video platform, will talk about Yahoo's stream of Sunday's Buffalo Bills-Jacksonville Jaguars game from Wembley Stadium in London, which marks the first time a regular season NFL game has been delivered solely via OTT outside of the teams' local markets.

The game will be delivered Sunday morning, October 25, at 9:30 a.m. ET, and be available on Yahoo, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Screen, and Tumblr. According to a report in 《百家乐app下载》, 雅虎已将其所有广告库存售予30家广告客户, 包括丰田, 谁将赞助比赛的中场秀. “雅虎拥有超过10亿用户, 我不知道有多少人会看, but it's a universe of users that's so large I'll get plenty of return," Toyota group VP for marketing Jack Hollis told the newspaper.

卢扎蒂将介绍雅虎的平台, 如何根据流质量选择cdn, 它如何与互联网服务提供商合作, 它是如何传递ABR流的, and other details of how Yahoo delivered this historic event. Chris Mangum, 雅虎实时视频的首席架构师, will also be on hand for the 直播峰会 on a panel talking about "Measuring the Success of Content Delivery," while the NFL's Shannon Rutherford will offer a presentation at the 直播峰会 called "Blurred Lines: The Convergence of Broadcast and Digital Inside the NFL."

而卢扎蒂周三的主题演讲, 11月18日将专注于直播, the Tuesday, 11月17日的主题演讲将重点介绍现场线性, on-demand, 以及科里·史密斯的游戏直播, 微软的高级服务工程经理 Xbox Live. Smith will discuss the technical solutions he and his broadcast solutions team use to scale and accelerate video delivery to Xbox Live's 39 million users.

As you've probably guessed by now, live streaming is a big focus at this year's event. "Live linear streaming and the workflows around broadcasters taking live streams to the web is a big topic right now," says 流媒体 executive VP and 流媒体西部 program chair Dan Rayburn. "We've seen Turner acquire iStreamPlanet and Amazon acquire 基本技术. Comcast also rolled out a new live linear service on top of their CDN and Microsoft Azure has recently partnered to roll out a live linear platform."

While these topics will be addressed at 流媒体西部, the 直播峰会 will dig even deeper into both live event and live linear streaming. "The 直播峰会 will give attendees a chance to learn more about every step of the live streaming workflow, from ingest and backhaul to quality of service and audience analytics," says 直播峰会 program chair Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen. 除了以内容发布者为特色的面板, rights holders, 技术供应商, the Summit will feature four Live Streaming Insights sessions—mini-keynotes, essentially—from NFL director of digital media video operations Shannon Rutherford, TourGigs技术与创新总监Casey Charvet, Al Roker娱乐公司 director of content marketing and digital strategy Jon Burk, and a fireside chat among Fox, 基本技术, and 亚马逊网络服务. 参见直播峰会 program page 欲知详情.

Other hot topics in streaming include HEVC and potential patent fees around HEVC content, says Rayburn, and this year's 流媒体西部 will include more than 100 speakers. "The show represents a cross-section of technology and business topics that allow attendees to not only learn how to implement video but how to monetize it," Rayburn says. "One of the things that makes the 流媒体西部 show unique is the technical how-to sessions. The show features numerous how-to sessions with instructors guiding you through the steps you need to encode video, build a player, 为流媒体盒创建应用程序, 并设置合适的网络直播硬件, among a host of other topics pertaining to the entire video ecosystem."


  • Roku developer community director Chris Traganos will offer a how-to session on how to create a great streaming channel for the platform
  • Sling Media VP of worldwide marketing Mark Vena will look at the pros and cons of OTT vs. cable
  • 包括思科发言人在内的小组, Oracle, Microsoft, and EMC will explore what corporate users really want from webcasting and online video platforms
  • 天普大学代表, 俄亥俄州立大学, USC, and the University of Pennsylvania will discuss streaming deployment architectures in higher education
  • Frost & 沙利文分析师 Avni Rambhia 将评估HEVC的合理性和投资回报率

让你更容易找到适合自己的课程, the 流媒体西部 sessions are all assigned one or more of eight focus areas, 包括编码 & 代码转换,奥特 & 电视无处不在,以及网络直播. The conference also features a How-To track and an OTT track.

11月16日星期一, 流媒体大学 features four extended workshops offering extensive instruction in four topics:

  • 编解码器和包装的pc,移动,和OTT/机顶盒/智能电视
  • Best Practices for Building an End-to-End Live Streaming Workflow
  • 从Flash转向HTML5
  • 构建一个开源编码工作流

You can see all of the 流媒体西部 and 直播峰会 sessions on the conference program page. 您可以注册流媒体西部, 直播峰会, 以及流媒体大学的工作坊, or with a variety of passes that include access to some or all of each of the conference components. 查看所有可用的通道 注册页面.

流媒体西部 also features an Expo with booths from more than 35 vendors covering every aspect of online video, open to all full conference attendees and anyone who purchases a Discovery Pass. 除了进入展览大厅, Discovery Pass attendees can access both 流媒体西部 keynotes, exhibital hall reception and outdoor beer garden networking event. 一切都是美好的 亨廷顿海滩度假酒店 & Spa; 有特价 对于与会者.

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