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爱丝特雷娜媒体的克里斯蒂娜 Chung谈内容生产商的销售包装

Tim Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体, sits down at 流媒体 West 2022 to chat with 克里斯蒂娜 Chung, VP Business Operations, 爱丝特雷娜媒体 to learn more about her organization’s content strategy 和 sales force operationalizations.

“So, 克里斯蒂娜, 首先, 说说你在这个行业的背景吧,西格林说.

“实际上我来自广告技术,”钟说. “我正在工作 随心所欲,由 康卡斯特公司. 所以我是从解决方案工程师的行列中走出来的, 和工程师一起工作, 与产品经理一起工作, 一直到技术客户经理. 所以我和销售业务开发团队一起工作. 这有点像我在媒体领域的创立. Prior to that, I was actually in investment banking, that was where my revenue side comes into play. 现在我在埃斯特雷拉做业务运营, 收入和技术的结合, 把它们放在一起,这就是我给你的.”

“你这么说真有趣, 因为我的背景是和很多创业公司合作过, 技术和业务角色,西格林说. “你会发现这两个群体之间存在语言障碍. So do you find yourself translating between the business side 和 the technical side?”

“我当然知道,”钟说. “And I learned that in the very beginning at my days at 随心所欲 [that] you need to be able to talk it to someone who may not know what you're talking about. 我最喜欢的一句话是,“把事情简单化,就像我是个六年级学生一样。.“我把它带到了不同的实现中, 集成, 甚至在金融领域也是如此, 有时候人们不理解, 那么你如何找到让人们理解你在说什么的方法呢? 让它简单,让它容易被识别,让人产生共鸣.”

“Don’t use a whole lot of acronyms around people who don’t have the experience,西格林说.

“没错,”钟说. “如果可以避免的话,不要使用缩写词.”


“We are the third largest producer of Spanish language content in the US,” Ching says. “我们实际上提供了很多反编程 univisiontelemundo 美国的.”

“So when you say third largest producer, this is both for streaming 和 traditional broadcast?西格林问道.

“没错,”钟说. ”或电缆. 我们实际上制作了大约6000小时的原创内容. We have a studio in Burbank, we actually produce all that content on our own.”

Siglin wonders what Estrella’s balance is regarding the number of cable subscribers compared to their streaming audience.

“I would definitely say that our traditional linear television is much larger than our digital business,钟说. She says that Estrella came from a traditional radio business in the 1970s but then transitioned to television in the ‘80s. “这成了一笔巨大的生意,”她说. “Then, only about three or four years ago is when we really got into the digital business. 我和老板是在2020年底、2021年初加入的. And that's when we really got the whole free ad-supported television (FAST) business, 这就像在线线性平台. We got our app running…we got just easy traditional ad serving going in 2021. So it really was starting from scratch, almost like a startup with a big company.”

“有趣的是, 你进入的是传统的广播行业,西格林说, “他们知道如何投放电视广告, 但你所做的技术与此完全不同. 像这样的公司如何平衡这两者? Because clearly – say in the video world – you have a Class 1 engineer who underst和s how to do 100,000 watts of broadcast 和 then you've got this IT engineer who underst和s how to push packets. 但是当你谈到广告的时候, 尤其是当你在做制造业之类的事情的时候, essentially it could be the same ad that's going out over broadcast as well over streaming, 然而,它们的方法是不同的. 这是怎么做到的呢?”

“你这么说真有意思. 因此,我们在Estrella内部肯定有非常独立的部门。. “电台销售团队与线性销售团队非常不同, 与数字销售团队有什么不同. 所以在很多方面,我们在这些不同的筒仓中是非常分离的. 现在, 话虽如此, 我们正试图将整个销售团队转变为销售更多的产品, like teaching 和 educating our sales team that there are many different facets of our business. 我们需要推销它的各个方面. And so really kind of garnering this approach that we are one cohesive sales force, 相对于非常分散的筒仓. 话虽如此,我们在每个领域永远都有专家. It's kind of like how do you operationalize a force that's been very grounded 和 very segmented? 我们需要做的很多是教育.”

“And is part of that too finding people within each of those three organizations who have a vision of thinking bigger than just their one division?西格林说.

“I think that the executive team has really put a stamp on trying to identify what is the path forward,钟说. “我们都很擅长各自的业务. We also recognize that in order to become bigger 和 better 和 cater more [to] our audiences, 我们需要能够一起交谈, 一起工作, 让它成为一种力量,而不仅仅是分离的东西.”

“So let's say we're sitting here next year 和 we're having this conversation because I often do conversations with people year-on-year,西格林说. “What will you have hoped that Estrella would've been able to do to get to that goal in that say 12-month period of time?”

“我认为这是销售的包装,”Chung说. “I think that's a huge opportunity that we haven't quite gotten [to] this past year, 但我希望明年, 特别是自从我们的快速电视业务之后, 还有我们的应用业务, 现在已经成为一个成熟的数字业务了吗. 在去年之前,情况并非如此. 所以我认为一个销售团队从无线电线性现在认识到, ‘嘿, 数字现在是我们应该销售的一个可靠平台, 我们可以从中赚取额外的收入. 所以我认为对我来说, 到明年, 我希望我能告诉你,是的, 我们已经和我们的销售团队建立了这些很棒的套餐. 我们有跨不同媒介的创新广告解决方案, 因为我们不仅有线性和无线电业务, 但是我们也有音乐会, 我们有社交媒体. 所以我们有很多不同的销售方式. 我认为这也是一个将其作为一个整体进行销售的机会, 无论是全国性的广告商还是地方性的广告商.”

不要错过更多对行业领军人物的深度采访 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


What's the best way to draw subscribers 和 viewers to your streaming service 和 maintain the audience numbers that keep subscription services profitable 和 satisfy br和s? 爱丝特雷娜媒体's 克里斯蒂娜 Chung 和 MagellanTV's James Lauzun discuss what works for them in this clip from their 流媒体东部2023 panel.

爱丝特雷娜媒体's 克里斯蒂娜 Chung Talks Exp和ing AVOD Channels' Targeted Reach Via Media Partners

爱丝特雷娜媒体's 克里斯蒂娜 Chung talks with Tim Siglin of 帮助我流研究基金会 about exp和ing AVOD channels' targeted reach via media partners in this 流媒体东部2023 interview.

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Amagi高级新闻总监 & Sports Solutions Brian Ring discusses the ongoing growth of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television with 流媒体's Tim Siglin in this interview at 流媒体 West 2022.

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Best Ever Channels Co-CEO Jonathon Barbato discusses effective strategies for launching 免费的 Ad-Supported Streaming TV channels in this interview with 流媒体's Tim Siglin at 流媒体 West 2022.

WiseDV的Vassil Lefterov讲话很快.0

WiseDV VP Business Development Vassil Lefterov discusses the evolution of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television (FAST) 和 how WiseDV's app is serving that market in this interview with 流媒体's Tim Siglin at 流媒体 West 2022.


What are the best ways to improve the OTT user experience, especially for FAST platforms? Four industry experts weigh in on specific areas that could use improvement 和 streamlining in order to improve the overall UX for OTT subscribers with both targeted advertising 和 programming.