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How Do Viewers Choose Streaming TV Providers?

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Watch the complete presentation from 流媒体 West, OTT101. Fireside Chat: Innovation in the Time of Streaming TV,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: You talk about pricing, and what I mentioned in my introduction about some recent news. Just last Friday Hulu raised their price pretty significantly for their live linear offering. The no-ad package, or the limited-ad package went from 50 to 60 dollars a month.

本室: 是的.

埃里克: You're starting to see these services get up into the cable TV range. So price point is obviously still a huge differentiator--

本: 正确的.

埃里克: 对菲罗. Do you hear 那 from your customers, 那 one of the biggest reasons they choose Philo is the price?

本: 是的,当然. 这是一个一贯的信息, 你知道, I think it's sort of unclear whether, 你知道, we don't really know for sure I guess whether people really have a deep understanding, 那, 例如, sports is driving an outsized proportion of there traditional cable package. 你知道, I don't know if 那 many people know 那 30 dollars of their cable bill is going just to sports.

埃里克: 正确的.

本: But certainly I think people do recognize value when they see it. And again, so 你知道, 58 channels for 20 bucks a month, it's a pretty compelling price point. We definitely hear from our customers, 那 they love not paying for channels 那 they are not watching.

埃里克: 正确的.

本: Which, 你知道, 那 is kind of a no-brainer.

埃里克: 正确的.

本: But 那's definitely compelling.

埃里克: So the no-sports feature 那 you kinda put forward is definitely a USP for you.

本: 是的.

埃里克: 好吧.

本: 是的,是的.

埃里克: And I know, 你知道, a couple of your other USPs, are 那 you offer three simultaneous streams.

本: 是的.

埃里克: 正确的?

本: 这是正确的.

埃里克: 无限DVR.

本: 正确的.

埃里克: What sort of feedback do you have from consumers, about how often do they use those features, and how much those features play a role in their choice of Philo?

本: 是的, so, 我会说, to the three simultaneous streams, 我会说 it a significant minority of our users who take advantage of the multiple streams. Certainly not everyone is doing 那. But I actually think at this point, 那 I almost think of 那 as more like a table-stakes feature. It seems like a lot of the services out there do have multiple streams. It's kinda something people expect at this point. The DVR thing is huge, though. That is definitely a really compelling feature 那 people love. 你知道 we have a 30-day unlimited DVR, so you can save as many shows as you want, and we'll record all the episodes and keep them for 30 days. And, 你知道, 那 is something 那 the vast majority of our users are using it to some extent. And there are a lot of them 那 use it quite heavily.

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Technical Challenges of Streaming TV at Scale

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