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用LiveU背包直播Big 12高尔夫

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雅各布·波特: Golf is one of our big challenges that we kind of hang our hat on, 我们可以实际执行它. It's not common for college networks to produce that because it's such a large animal, 这么大的问题需要解决. You basically have a very large space, similar to doing fishing, but there's not as much water. 所以,打高尔夫球的关键是不要下水. 但基本上我们有一个家庭控制室, 就像你听到很多人说的那样. So, our challenge is to get those camera signals to our control room, 'cause it's not feasible for us to disassemble and unrack all of our equipment and take it to the golf course.

但高尔夫有很多摄像头, 距离是如此之远, we thought the only option was to rent enough cellular bond packs at every camera location. 但, whenever we started to develop this idea and as we've gone on over the years, 我们最终做了什么, 是否从每个孔进行直线切割. 我们可以做的是, 电缆直接通向摄像机, 回到果岭或发球区, 只要最合理就行, 变成一个iPad大小的小开关, and we're switching the camera feeds onsite and then taking that SDI out into our LiveU pack, 然后传回我们的中央控制室.

So, 在我们足球场的控制室, 实际上在俄克拉荷马州, we have all these feeds coming in and we're able to go to that hole. 我们甚至不用担心带某台相机. That cut is already coming to us as the correct tee shot, then green, back to tee, what have you. So that actually allowed us to do a eleven camera broadcast with just four live view backpacks. So, 最后, we were able to execute this and I was able to look at our administration and say, “嘿, 我们甚至不需要花任何额外的钱来做这件事, because we already used what we had in-house and just what we had layin' around." So, it's a little bit of a different way to look at this technology and a way to utilize it. This really is a tool to transmit not just a single feed, but multiple feeds at any given time.

特洛伊德雷尔: I just wanna emphasize this, 'cause I find this so interesting. Your efficiency that you've developed here, so you have four units that you have in house?

雅各布·波特: 正确的.

特洛伊德雷尔: Right, and so you have this large event that you thought you would need like, ten, right? 你是怎么让四个人做十个人的工作的?

雅各布·波特: 每个洞都有多个摄像头, 假设三杆洞有三个摄像头, 我们会在发球箱里放一个, 还有两个在果岭上做近距离击球, 果岭的广角镜头, 不管是什么. So those three cameras would be mixed down to one live view stream. 所以不管5杆里有多少洞, 可能会有更多的摄像头, 但不管, 它最终仍然归结为一个开关流. 同样的概念我们也应用在了赛前秀上, Ben mentioned football stadiums having hundred thousand plus people in there, so being able to get a good connection isn't necessarily reliable, but we often can order an ethernet drop on the field from the stadiums, 但那只是一滴. 所以我们使用相同的概念. 我们会带上现场的摄像机, mixing them before we feed into that transmission signal to send it back so that we're able to get what we wanna accomplish via the means that we have, 在这些情况下, 会是一次以太网掉线吗.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


While the company is busy helping streaming the Tokyo Olympics, 它被全球投资公司凯雷收购, 从Francisco Partners手中收购公司.


LiveU's Ben Gabrielson explains how LiveU enables multicam--aerial and oar-level--coverage, 远程生产, and streaming to ESPN+ for Harvard crew in this clip from ESports and Sports Streaming Summit 2019. 更多信息请访问uhigh.kdmtc78.com.


Twitch VP Sales Katherine Bowe and Streamer Brooke "Dodger" Thorne discuss streamer community building and interaction in this clip from their fireside chat at 的电子竞技 & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.


VisualON SVP and Head of Business Development Michael Jones discusses the challenges and timetable for reaching <1 second latency in large-scale live sports streaming in this clip from 的电子竞技 & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.

How Lightstream Makes 在线直播 Production Work in the Cloud

Lightstream's Stu Grubbs discusses Lightstream's cloud-native live video production architecture in this clip from 的电子竞技 & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.


美国垒球的Codi Warren和Maestro.io's Ari Evans discuss how brands meet more and less knowledgeable sports and eSports viewers where they are in this clip from their panel at 的电子竞技 & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.


Nitro Circus VP of digital content Remi Guyton discusses emerging opportunities in action sports streaming in this clip from ESports & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.


Mux创始人 & Head of Product Steve Heffernan discusses the pros and cons of different methods of lowering latency for large-scale live sports event streaming in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.


康卡斯特技术解决方案的马特·史密斯说, 福克斯体育的迈克尔·巴克林报道, and BC Live's Stefan Richardson discuss what draws audiences ti sports content in this clip from ESports & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.


Blizzard Director of Live Operations Corey Smith discusses how Blizzard approaches live streaming localization for two globally distributed shows in this clip from a 在线直播 Summit panel at 流媒体 West 2019.

构建流媒体工作站? 以下是你需要知道的

We take a look under the hood and explore the four main hardware components that directly affect performance when building or configuring a streaming workstation.


谷歌体育主管 & 娱乐Kiran Paranjpe, 纳斯卡数字媒体总监Brendan Reiley, 世界冲浪联盟高级副总裁里奇·罗宾逊, and WWE SVP Jared Smith discuss what's driving sports streaming in their keynote at 流媒体 West 2019.


High School GG Executive Director Todd Conley and 1337 Facilities President Jordan Rambis discuss the video gear most commonly used in school 的电子竞技 streaming workflows in this clip from their presentation at 的电子竞技 & 2019体育峰会.
