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内容发布商和频道提供商在日益增长和多样化的OTT领域面临的一个挑战, with its variety of devices, is how to guarantee a coherent, unfragmented viewer experience on different platforms. 内容所有者真的想要进入无止境的应用创造行业吗? Can they solve the problem through strategic partnerships? Plex's Greg Edmiston, HBO的约翰·纳鲁斯报道, 和Machinima的James Glasscock概述了这个问题,并提出了解决方案,这是他们在2016年流媒体东部的大OTT迁移小组的摘录.

Learn more about OTT UX design at 流媒体 West.

Read the transcript:

格雷格·埃德米斯顿: Right now there isn't a clear answer to giving a coherent experience, giving an unfragmented experience across all those devices. 与动画短片, 你的内容介于YouTube和自己的第一方应用程序之间,拥有自己的第一方体验. I think we're still trying to figure it out; not everyone wants to be in the business of maintaining 12 apps across a dizzying array of DRM combinations and device combinations.

与此同时,我们想要控制这些体验的提供方式. 我认为这就是我们今天为Machinima、HBO和Plex努力解决的问题. 我们如何获得连贯的体验,为用户提供一致的产品, with consistent constraints? 我们讨论了DRM保护,同时给出了一个公平的交易.

约翰Narus: Another way to maybe achieve the goal is to look for partners. Now you can see HBO content through Dish or DirecTV. We don't necessarily have to maintain all the different apps. We look at partners, really, as a distribution channel.

詹姆斯Glasscock:论文 There's no one size fits all. 这是一个很好的例子,能够在这些不同的组合中找到HBO. There's not one of those that solves it for all the consumers of HBO.

If you're a programmer like we are, 建立自己的就职策略总是需要权衡的, versus licensing content, to a bunch of other store fronts. If you want control, you got to pay for it, 这是一种不同于授权内容的投资方式. I think it's so early. 我们正处于从YouTube多渠道网络向面向消费者的优质多平台节目提供商的转型过程中.

要想弄清楚消费者想要什么,最好的方法之一就是把你的名片放在桌子上,然后弄清楚. 这就是我们过去开发很多程序的方式,只需要看数据. 当我们开始了解什么程序在特定环境下工作时, 我们将有一个在AVOD平台上的热门节目,但在SVOD平台上却不能很好地运行. Or one that will work great in SVOD but won't work so well in AVOD. Now's a great time to be learning it. There's no secret formula to it.

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