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使用流数据的一些最有效的方法是什么? Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体,与首席执行官/联合创始人Damian Pelliccione对话, RevryJeff Annison,联合创始人兼总裁, 军团米, about how their organizations gather and best apply streaming analytics.

Krefetz begins by asking Pelliccione if Revry gets much of its data from advertising sales.

“当然,”佩利乔内说. “我们有来自标头投标人解决方案的数据和性能. 我们和斯普林格一起工作 公开场合…we stopped spending on social because social for us can be problematic. I'm sure folks know we have a lot of hate speech when we just post a general marketing ad on places like 脸谱网 or 谷歌…” They note that Revry has instead focused more on advertising analytics data to gain better audience insight. 他们表示:“我们正在需求方平台(dsp)上占据一席之地。. “And we're spending our money there on the DSPs to market ourselves and then via that, 将其与我们作为经销商所能获得的数据进行匹配. We can now see some correlation and patterning on how to better program and serve our audience.”

“So you're not necessarily data poorer; you just don't get some of the data you want,” Krefetz says.

“完全!Pelliccione说. “当然,是的,显然我们总是想要更多的数据.”

Krefetz turns to Jeff Annison of 军团米 and asks how his organization handles data. “你没有一点不同的环境吗?她说。.

“100%,”安尼森说. “Like you said, there's a lot of data that we would love to have that is very actionable. 我们很想知道什么时候有人买我们的电影 iTunes 这样我们就可以据此进行营销,并将其作为一个转化事件. But our relationship is with the human being on the other end, who's watching. And so we work hard to figure out ways to make it fun, to collect data from them. 我们认为一个大公司拥有的优势之一, passionate group of fans has is harnessing the wisdom of the crowd to make decisions.”

Annison discusses the challenges of making data collection and surveys more engaging and enjoyable for their users. 他表示:“我们将尝试将其游戏化. “The best example is when we go to film festivals to pick up and acquire films and partner with films. We created a game called Film Scout that allows our community from around the world to help us evaluate all of the films that are playing at that festival so we can get an idea of what people are looking for. You get evaluated as a film scout for how good a job you do of predicting how the films will perform. 所以我们问你, 不仅仅是你认为哪部电影最有趣, 但是你认为这些电影中哪一部会做得最好? 第二部分,因为我们可以给它打分,它就变成了一个游戏. We can release a leaderboard at the end of the festival that tells you how you stood up against everybody else that's playing, including the professional people that literally are scouts for a living. 前5%的学生会被邀请参加我们的精英童子军项目. ,然后, 我们有一个筛选器, 我们得做个决定, and we now have identified a subset of our audience that has a demonstrated ability to predict what a larger audience will think. 所以当我们做决定的时候,我们会把他们纳入到过程中. So it's not just the other executives in the company and me, but we can bring the community in.”

了解更多关于利用流数据的信息 流媒体东部2023.

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