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HBO Max加入价值数十亿美元的内容争夺战


WarnerMedia's announced that its premium direct-to-consumer (DTC) service will be called HBO Max when it debuts next spring, 但它会有吸引和留住订户的内容吗?

That's the multi-billion-dollar question facing not just WarnerMedia parent company AT&T but media conglomerates Comcast 和 Disney as they seek to face down Netflix 和 pending streaming competition from 苹果Quibi等等.

不像那两个新手, HBO Max将拥有巨大的品牌认知度和10分,从第一天起就有5000小时的内容目录.

它已被遣返回国, at vast expense (reckoned to be north of $400m for a five year deal) ,华纳兄弟出品的230多集情景喜剧 朋友,想必每季都会有 权力的游戏 得到了's fantasy-epic sequels, 和 has also lined up seven original series including 沙丘 from director Denis Villeneuve 和 romantic comedies from Reese Witherspoon while DC Universe spin-offs like Batwoman 也会提供.

华纳传媒尚未宣布HBO Max的定价, 哪一个 is expected to be more than HBO Now ($15 per month) so as not to undermine its existing st和alone OTT service. 不过,HBO Max的图书馆会更大.

苹果, 哪一个 is projected to spend $5bn on content between now 和 2022, 强调其战略是质量而不是数量. That's more of a default position, given its st和ing start as a content producer.

与此同时, Netflix 和 Comcast-owned Sky have announced fresh initiatives to double down on content produced out of Europe.

Netflix has taken a reported 10-year lease on space at the renowned 松木谢泼顿工作室 哪一个, 与马德里现有的生产中心一起, will see it both capitalise on UK 和 European tax breaks 和 meet European Union criteria for streaming a percentage of content produced locally.

The streamer has 153 originals on its slate from European producers this year, 是2018年的两倍, 和 221 productions in total from a European budget of $1 billion 和 a total spend this year of $12 billion.

It's worth noting that Warner already has major permanent production space north of London, 在利维斯登工作室.

天空电视台计划将对原创内容的投资增加一倍,达到1美元.3 billion over the next few years, 和 will produce it under the banner of Sky Studios.

"This is a transformational development for us," said Sky Group chief executive Jeremy Darroch in a 新闻稿. "Sky Studios will drive our vision to be the leading force in European content development 和 production."

Sky's strategy is strengthened by the backing of Comcast/NBCUniversal, with potential international re-sale revenues on the table from non-Sky markets.

"Netflix 和 Sky have both grown their reputation in original content in recent years, 和 recent announcements regarding further investments prove how central this content is to their overall strategy in the coming years,David Sidebottom说, 首席分析师, 英国未来咨讯发布. “除了, 两家公司都将继续致力于改善用户体验, providing an attractive proposition for consumers 和 helping manage subscriber churn."

“天空电视台将自己定位为欧洲的制作巨头,Richard Cooper说, 安培分析公司的研究主管. "The Disney-Fox merger 和 Comcast's [$39 billion] acquisition of Sky have been brought about by competition from streaming giants Netflix 和 Amazon, permanently changing once-established audience viewing dynamics." 

A significant proportion of investment to date in the new "golden age of TV" has been in scripted content, 尤其是Netflix. But, as Sidebottom points out, non-scripted, typically scheduled content like 《百家乐app下载》《英国达人和 talk shows "remain hugely relevant 和 critical for local broadcasters."

He argues, "This [type of content] is less represented on global streaming services, including Sky. 除了, 体育版权的战场将被重新定义, another area where major rights are typically localised 和 have been key to the success of pay TV operators such as Sky to date."

All of these hugely expensive strategies could backfire—和 surely will for one or more—if viewer fatigue takes hold. 而你.S. residents are on average willing to pay for about 3 SVOD packages per household, the proliferation of DTC services will impact consumer choice 和 what they can afford.

New services may entice consumers with free trials 和 aggressive introductory prices, but the long-term success of these services will depend more on customer retention than acquisition, 这需要技术的战略性组合, 市场营销, 以及合适的内容来满足消费者的体验.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

HBO Max将于5月推出,售价为1万小时,14美元.99价格标签

AT&T plans to invest $4 billion in HBO Max over the next three years, 并相信该公司将在2025年实现盈利. 到那时,它希望拥有8000万用户.

Trouble Ahead: Netflix's Bad Quarter Could Turn Into a Bad Year

不断的滴漏, 滴, 对于这位SVOD的领导者来说,坏消息的不断传来已经造成了损失, 观众们纷纷离开. 突然间,巨人看起来没那么强大了.

Trouble Ahead: Netflix's Bad Quarter Could Turn Into a Bad Year

不断的滴漏, 滴, 对于这位SVOD的领导者来说,坏消息的不断传来已经造成了损失, 观众们纷纷离开. 突然间,巨人看起来没那么强大了.

Quibi Sells $100M in Ad Inventory Well Ahead of April 2020 Launch

The mobile-only short form video network announced it has already taken in $100 million in upfront ad sales by selling category exclusives to major advertisers.

Viewers Prefer Licensed Content to Originals; Bad for Netflix?

根据普华永道的一份新报告, 观众大部分时间都在观看授权内容, 这对所有年龄段的人都适用.


Onboarding Amazon Prime 和 Hulu's subscriber base to 苹果 TV alone gives the service the potential to become largest single VOD platform in the U.S., while 苹果 TV+ will feature shows from Hollywood A-listers like Oprah Winfrey 和 Steven Spielberg.


在这个流媒体论坛主题预览中,天空投资组合 & program manager Deepa Kutty shares the broadcaster's current 和 future plans for targeted programming 和 advertising


Sky principal streaming architect Jeff Webb shared how a move from appliance-based workflows to container-based workflows now means that the broadcaster can spin up new channels in minutes, 这个过程过去需要长达4周的时间