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的 evolution of TV advertising has given rise to a new language in marketing circles—one that’s necessary to address the increasing fragmentation and growing opportunities inherent within the space. 不幸的是, 当涉及到新兴术语时,并不是每个人都使用同一本词典, particularly as it relates to “可寻址 TV”—and that’s a problem we as an industry need to tackle head-on.

It’s hard to build a strong foundation for developing marketing channels when there’s misunderstanding and vagueness surrounding fundamental concepts. 虽然“可寻址电视”已经成为一个众所周知的术语, 当涉及到真正的定义时,有很多烟雾和镜子在发生, 能力和执行. 今天, what many industry players are defining as “可寻址 TV” in the marketplace is not actually “可寻址,” and expectations around 规模 are being confused by legacy thinking around match rates. 这种混乱导致了渠道内的机会错失.

不断发展的电视格局的复杂性可能令人望而生畏, but marketers are far from powerless when it comes to making the most of this opportunity for deeper consumer connections and enhanced ROI. 今天’s brands and 机构 can (and should) be leading the charge when it comes to demanding premium solutions within the premium channel of 可寻址 TV. 然而, 这样做需要理解可寻址电视的定义, 以及它的能力. 所以让我们澄清一下.


IAB defines 可寻址 TV as follows: “Technology that lets you show different ads to different audience segments watching the same TV program on IPTV and set-top boxes. 这些细分可以通过行为来定义, 人口, 首先是地理因素, 第二, 或者第三方数据集.”

换句话说, running an 可寻址 TV campaign means you’re reaching a known household in real time while they’re watching a certain program. Addressable linear TV requires data from a set-top box to reach a given audience with a specific ad at a specific moment in time. 真正的可寻址线性电视目前只在分销商层面完成.

很多目前被称为“可寻址电视”的东西是完全不同的. 例如, 卫星媒体提供商可能会将其受众定位为“可寻址的”,但该提供商的受众数据有4到5天的延迟. 当真正的可寻址电视需要实时观众数据时, how can marketers know that a set-top box is on and the campaign is delivering to a known audience if the viewership data feedback loop is on a multi-day lag?

在其他情况下, 公司正在全国范围内收集剩余的电视库存, 在他们的平台上应用用户索引,并称之为“可寻址”.“这些方法是数据驱动的线性技术, but they’re not true 可寻址 approaches to reaching a household that we know is watching a program at the time the ad runs.


Compounding the challenges of loose definitions in 可寻址 TV is the issue of match rates and 规模. “Match rate” refers to the matching of an advertiser’s desired audience to the available data the enables addressability. 例如, an advertiser may match on HH ID, IP address, or numerous other match keys. 挑战在于, 当涉及到观众群体时, 许多这些匹配键创造了越来越少的可用用户.

Advertisers looking to unlock the power of their first-party data for targeting purposes within the 可寻址 TV space are finding that a lot of their audiences aren’t—well—可寻址. And that’s because even among the most widely adopted audience matching and measurement ID solutions, 匹配率仍然很低, 通常会达到30%左右. 广告商通常会接受这些低费率(如果他们意识到的话), that is) because they offer the path of least resistance when entering the 可寻址 space, but often they subsequently find that the 规模 they’d hoped to achieve in doing so just isn’t there.

由于混乱和低匹配率, many advertisers who have tried to enter the 可寻址 TV space in recent years have been left with a bad taste in their mouths. 的re’s still a lot of work to be done in terms of streamlining and improving accessibility, 规模, 空间的透明度.

As industry players work to address technology and capability challenges in the 可寻址 TV landscape, 品牌和代理商不必在一旁等待. 提升他们今天的可寻址电视结果, 营销人员应该仔细审视一下他们目前的合作伙伴关系, 特别是当它涉及到如何处理它们的匹配时. 有这么多的ID解决方案, 寻找一条阻力最小的路并沿着这条路走下去是很容易的. 但如果你不能以任何形式的一致性接触到你想要的受众, 结果注定是令人失望的.

记住:可寻址电视不依赖于第三方cookie. So why would advertisers need to accept match rates as low as those achieved via third-party cookies? 我们可以应用于电视领域的一个重要经验是,品牌, 机构, 技术和数据提供商需要采取投资组合策略来识别. Bringing more match key optionality to TV will continue to promote improved match rates and 规模 for truly 可寻址 audiences. 它还将有助于确保未来全渠道整合的规模, 电视将继续是其中的一部分.

的 可寻址 TV opportunity is simply too great to have it be marred by confusion and poor audience reach. 现在是解构管道的时候了——并将其构建得更好. Brands and 机构 can push the industry—and their own campaigns—forward by demanding more from their partners when it comes to premium channels like 可寻址 TV.

[编者注:这是来自 Alliant. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Despite a worldwide ad spending slowdown, CTV is expected to continue its meteoric growth into 2023. 尽管CTV如此受欢迎,但它不受开支削减的影响, 它仍然存在问题, 尤其是在品牌安全方面, 适用性, 数据透明度. Peer39首席执行官Mario Diez讨论了CTV目前面临的挑战.


Greg Morrow of Bitcentral looks at how publishers now need a "swiss army knife" of tools to realize their advertising potential. 内容以不同的形式传播到如此多的分发点, publishers now need to integrate a separate toolset for each one to thrive in today's market.


将Offeman, WideOrbit的首席产品官, outlines the top seven automation processes to help streamline ad sales from pitch to payment, 节省广播公司的时间和金钱.


With Disney and Netflix becoming the latest providers to succumb to the inevitable commercial realities of the subscription-only TV business model, 这对客户体验和广告效果意味着什么?


由于电视观看通过OTT和点播已经成为主导的用户行为, 电视运营商面临着未来收入来源的几个挑战. 然而, 为了击退科技巨头, TV operators will have to deliver audience targeting on TV that matches the sophistication of online media.


争夺眼球的斗争愈演愈烈, we are seeing more and more companies diversify their monetization strategies to include ad-supported revenue models that 规模 their advertising offerings and capabilities. 迪士尼和Netflix等公司推出了广告支持模式, marketers and advertisers can take advantage by integrating themselves into the OTT mix to create campaigns that hook viewers in.

流媒体收视率终于超过有线电视:原因如下 & 如何维持增长

As cord cutters continue to migrate to subscription video on demand (SVOD) platforms to watch their favorite content, 媒体公司正面临着推动业务增长的关键机遇. 以保持其相对于传统电缆的优势, 内容所有者需要仔细审视有线电视为何能坚持这么久, 流媒体提供价值的地方, and where SVOD platforms can continue to optimize to drive sustained viewer engagement.