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如何在前所未有的媒体时代保持领先 & 娱乐景观


没有人能想象到今天的媒体和娱乐&E)情景,因为新的十年在一阵焰火中开始了. 今天, 我们已经过了半年了, 每个人都清楚地意识到一种几乎全球性的“待在家里”秩序的影响. We have seen a substantial rise in video and data consumption exacerbated by the forced changes with respect to live events and new show and movie creation. 付费墙的开放, 删除数据帽, 在某些情况下, access to more premium content and archival gems has seen the market react in a variety of ways. 制造业从机顶盒、电视和isd转移到呼吸机和口罩. 回归正常不会是二元的. 这种影响具有短期影响,也将产生更持久的破坏. 我们知道的是M&电子邮件仍然是全球通信的基石, and we must be thankful that we are able to continue to deliver and offer the world our valuable products.

然而, 当涉及到解决正在发生的需求和演变时, those who ultimately succeed are the ones taking proactive steps to look carefully at the macro- and micro-economics of their unique situations, 而理解, 适应, 在这种特殊情况下保持领先地位. 

从传统的付费电视播放器到OTT流媒体服务, 工作室, 体育版权所有者, each have their own challenges and there are matters that have to be addressed from aggregating, 分发, 保护和货币化内容. 对不断变化的动态和威胁区域有了更深入的了解, 可以做出更好的商业决策. It is time to consider the key factors industry players should addressa as they develop the right business strategy and execution moving forward.


The increased number of devices connecting anytime and anywhere to various services creates a new daunting reality—attacks are going beyond just content and now include personal data and consumer privacy. A scalable approach that delivers active streaming protection to provide operators with the ability to select key capabilities based on the direct threats to their service in needed. 跨不同规模的操作交付规模, 主动流媒体保护提供在线试用选项, affords operators the benefit of a highly 模块化 ‘pick and mix’ strategy and leverages adaptive security for optimal performance across a vast client device ecosystem.


我们知道结合内容保护技术的整体方法(例如.e. conditional access, DRM, and forensic watermarking), combined with anti-piracy services (i.e. investigations and legal actions) is effective in putting a stop to illegitimate streaming of premium content. 只要有合适的工具, 体育版权持有者, 内容所有者和服务提供商可以利用高级检测, 实时监控和停机服务, 战略和法律顾问, as well as deep global intelligence and local expertise to disrupting today’s piracy ecosystem. 再加上一点, we can also expect enhanced and highly effective anti-piracy solutions in areas such as automated content recognition, 网络监控, IP封锁, 等先进的技术对策要成为重要的谈话点. 


As more content owners launch their own direct-to-consumer (DTC) offerings and advertising-based video on demand (AVOD) players are being bought by large media giants, 对于用户来说,这是一个非常分散的领域. 作为现有的内容聚合器, operators have the opportunity to offer more efficient and scaled services while bundling offerings to adapt to the modern consumer’s needs. 好消息是,许多付费电视运营商已经整合了OTT应用程序, 以及包括各种关键视频点播的举措, SVOD和AVOD服务已经在进行中. 利用智能集成的应用程序, 操作人员可以把所有东西放在一个方便和用户友好的保护伞下. 和, 对于一些, leading client device ecosystems such as 和roid TV have already proven to be a go-to solution, 使他们能够提供运营商级品牌用户体验, 谷歌电视服务, 直接运营商计费和更多. 


在这段时间里,体育运动可能受到的打击最大, and many OTT offers have had to revert to ensuring customers still get value for money or receive refunds. 要解决这个问题, 付费电视行业正在关注新的商业模式, 以及粉丝参与体育内容的有效策略. Some sports have had the luxury of being able to switch to compelling esports offers to bridge the gap between empty venues and back to normal. 并非所有运动都是如此. 因此, 而未来几年,OTT将继续增长, 该行业仍在考虑市场的走向. 如果所有的部分都正确地组合在一起, operators and content owners will be able to maintain their consumer reach via great content and service packages to stay relevant. They can show customers that they understand the market and that they can deliver the great viewing experience that the modern consumer expects.


In an era of leveraging data and analytics in real time, pay-TV is actively putting in the work. 是否销售, 市场营销, 客户服务, content buying or anti-piracy teams—there are distinctive silos within an organization that traditionally keep data sources separate. This siloed approach makes the data virtually useless from a strategic business perspective. 幸运的是, there are AI-driven business performance platforms that are designed by pay-TV experts and specifically for the pay-TV industry. Platforms like this arm operators with the right recommendations on business actions to help them make better strategic decisions—across various line of business—to effectively improve their bottom line.


Delivering premium services directly to consumer devices and leveraging back-end cloud infrastructure is essential to the next generation of content delivery via IP networks to consumers. 不幸的是,通往全ip的道路并不明朗. The increase in the number of devices demanding high-bandwidth access either over-the-air or to streaming services via mobile (i.e. 电视3.0, 5G和低地球轨道(LEO)卫星, 此外,虚拟化和云的使用也得到了提升, 在更广泛的范围内等同于更多的安全威胁, 多面攻击面, 还有分销方面的挑战. 如何才能最好地利用云? 你如何确保安全?

对安全的高度关注以及有效的云迁移将是向前发展的关键. Pay TV service providers can look to rationalize architectures (and by consequence lower overheads) by selecting a scalable, 模块化, cloud-based solution to unify all aspects of their service protection needs—regardless of which network or device they’re delivering content.


Industry executives expect traditional pay TV packages to be radically re-structured moving forward into the new landscape. Service providers will have to experiment with packages that cater to the unique needs and behaviors of all customers, 包括剪线族和年轻一代. Understanding consumer preferences will be essential to creating the successful pay TV packages of the future and new pay TV aggregation models will have to reflect consumer appetite for more efficient, 而不是不必要的臃肿, 包. 为此,新常态在M的土地上&E需要适应性, 灵活性, 创造力, 这是一种完全以消费者为中心的方法. 

(编者注:本文署名来自 NAGRA. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.)

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The short answer is that they no longer have to, if they leverage their existing 和roid TV APK.

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