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Advanced TV Solutions Are Changing Local Market Advertising, According to New 随心所欲 Survey

Agencies specializing in local media planning and buying expect media spend on advanced TV to increase more than on any other medium over the next 12 months.


今天, 随心所欲, 康卡斯特公司(Nasdaq: CMCSA), announced the results from a survey of its Strata platform users most of whom are specialists in local media planning and buying focused on understanding changes in their advertising strategies in the increasingly fragmented media landscape. Results showed that these agencies are looking at data-driven and advanced TV solutions to help clients reach their customers in new ways.

Data and automation are no longer the sole domains of national brands. 很明显 all advertisers are now embracing the power of advanced advertising solutions to grow their businesses,” said Joy Baer, General Manager, 随心所欲 Advertisers. “在过去几年里, 随心所欲, 以及许多其他生态系统的参与者, 从科技公司到分销商, 专注于带来更多的自动化吗, 为当地市场提供基于受众的解决方案, and our survey shows that these solutions are resonating with local marketers and their agencies.”

特别是在高级电视方面, buyers of local and regional advertising still see high value in traditional local and cable TV, but their interest in advanced TV solutions is strong:

    • 79%的人对……“非常或非常感兴趣” using advanced TV, a percentage almost as high as 本地电视及有线电视 (87%)

    • 78% expect their spending on advanced TV to increase over the next 12 months the highest percentage for any medium in the survey, 包括数字视频, 移动, 数字显示, 本地电视及有线电视

    • 零售客户(21%), healthcare (15%) and auto (13%) represent the largest spending categories on advanced TV.

    *Advanced TV is defined as set-top box video on demand (STB VOD), 过多的(OTT), 可寻址的电视, advanced linear TV and streaming full-episode players (FEPs).

    The survey revealed that the top three reasons cited by local and regionally focused agencies for using data-driven, 基于受众的电视广告解决方案为1.) delivering hard to reach audiences; 2.) reducing wasted impressions delivered out of target; and 3.)提高成本效率. Slightly more than half of those surveyed (53%) found it easy or extremely easy to effectively measure attribution on advanced TV, 10 percentage points higher than for network TV and cable (43%), but still placing behind the digital media channels.

    自动化方面的进步也很明显. The shift toward data-driven and audience-based buying, 加上媒体碎片, generally requires greater automation to transact efficiently. 结果是, the agencies surveyed are seeing the benefits of automating their buying processes across

    数字和线性通道. 甚至是本地电视和有线电视 传统上非常手工的购买渠道 are beginning to embrace automation: 更多的 than a quarter of agencies (29%) now say their processes for buying local are completely or mostly automated.

    更多的over, 91% of agencies surveyed said that they now use some form of programmatic buying 一个特定的自动化领域. When Strata conducted a similar survey of users in 2017, approximately 65% were using some form of programmatic buying, with the majority saying that they used programmatic for 10 to 20% of their media buying.

    The rise of programmatic and audience-based buying requires the use of data. 而55%的机构s surveyed believed their current data management capabilities were “good or excellent,” the 其余的认为还有改进的余地. 在代理结构方面, almost 7 out of 10 agencies (68%) said their digital and traditional TV planning and buying processes are now “somewhat or completely integrated,” approximately one-third (32%) said these processes are “completely separate or occasionally overlap.”

    The survey was executed via an online survey of 430 Strata platform users (roughly 25% of the 公司2019年6月13日至7月1日. 而Strata用户则购买各种形式的媒体, every agency who responded to this survey is a buyer of local and regional advertising 通常是他们的主要关注点.


    随心所欲, A Comcast Company, empowers all segments of The New TV Ecosystem. We are structured to provide the full breadth of solutions the advertising industry needs to achieve their goals. 我们提供技术, data enablement and convergent marketplaces required to ensure buyers and sellers can transact across all screens, 跨越所有数据类型和所有销售渠道, 才能保证最终的目标 营销人员的结果.