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The Creator-First Global Media Company Brings Live-streaming Monetisation Programme Direct To Its Vloggers Through YouNow Platform Partnership


BuzzMyVideos, 下一代创作者优先的媒体公司, 今天宣布与YouNow, 领先的直播平台. The move enables the global media company to bring YouNow’s innovative monetisation programme for live streaming with pioneering fan engagement services direct to their growing community of international creators.
YouNow’s platform hosts more than 100 million user sessions a month and delivers over 50,000小时新, 原始, 每天直播视频. As a streaming-only platform it is ideally suited to the content created by the vibrant BuzzMyVideos community. 用户可以直接从他们的直播中赚钱, 这是他们在其他平台上做不到的,而且, YouNow平台的核心是粉丝参与, 与BuzzMyVideos共享的价值. 
Allowing BuzzMyVideos’ creators to leverage another platform to directly engage with their fans and grow their reach, the YouNow partnership enables the global media company to add a new revenue stream for their content creators. YouNow's innovative features such as the ability to guest broadcast and for viewers to share animated selfies will also give BuzzMyVideos’ vloggers a way to grow their existing audiences.  以多平台战略为核心, BuzzMyVideos encourage their vloggers to create content tailored to work cross platform, 无需切换他们选择的主要平台, thus allowing them to capture new audiences on previously unexplored sites.
BuzzMyVideos采用的国际方法, now home to vloggers located in over 100 countries and with services and tools localised into 6 languages including English, 西班牙语, 葡萄牙语, 俄罗斯, 土耳其和意大利, fits perfectly well with YouNow’s platform which is available in 8 languages. 
Thanks to the partnership with YouNow BuzzMyVideos’ vloggers will benefit from a range of creative revenue stream options such as the ability to offer fans the chance to buy gifts on the platform and donate them during their live streams. Fans who send premium gifts receive automatic recognition with their name appearing over the video and ‘Top Fans’ (those who send the most premium gifts during the broadcast) are ranked visibly in a comments section for creators and viewers. 
BuzzMyVideos already has some exciting talent signed up to YouNow, 包括成功的英国视频博主克里斯·肯德尔. 以他的 YouTube频道 crabstickz with over 698K subscribers and more than 38M views, Chris has now started his YouNow通道 同样的名字(crabstickz). On YouNow Chris already has over 100K fans and more than 100K views after doing 8 livestreams the last month.
视频博主克里斯·肯德尔评论道: “我很高兴能加入YouNow平台, 感谢BuzzMyVideos, 成为他们新的盈利计划的一部分. YouNow is a great platform to work from as it gives me the opportunity to engage even closer with my audiences."
YouNow的首席执行官阿迪·斯德曼评论道: “We are happy to partner with BuzzMyVideos and offer their talent the opportunity to build their fan base on YouNow. We welcome the BuzzMyVideos international creators and look forward to working together to achieve the greatest live streaming success.”
Bengu Atamer,联合创始人 & BuzzMyVideos首席运营官评论道: “Our mission at BuzzMyVideos is to help our vibrant and talented community of international creators to grow. Cross platform opportunities are a fantastic way to do this and YouNow’s creative revenue models for livestreaming add an additional boost to vloggers’ potential revenue streams which we are delighted to offer. Our shared vision puts creators at the forefront of what we do and this move enables us to further empower them with opportunities to grow audiences cross-platform, engage with fans in unique ways and create and share content to serve recurring audiences.”
BuzzMyVideos是下一代, creator-first media company that powers the 生产 and sharing of video content through technology and services. 该公司的产品被艺术家使用, 创作者和品牌的娱乐, 吸引并扩大他们的受众基础.  拥有本公司全套服务的工具, BMV为他们的合作伙伴提供发展, 生产, 促销活动, 分销和盈利能力. 该业务的运营方式已被证明是数据驱动的, measurable and scalable model derived from the founder’s vast experience working within Google and launching YouTube across EMEA. Supported by an international team of engineers, creators and designers, BuzzMyVideos grows, engages and monetizes audiences globally and is native in multiple languages. The Company was founded in 2011 by Paola Marinone and Bengu Atamer and is currently headquartered in 伦敦, UK.
YouNow is a live entertainment network that enables audiences and performers real time interaction. 每月用户访问量超过1亿次, 50人以上,000小时新 原始 video content created every day and a highly-engaged community of young creators, YouNow是一家领先的直播平台.  Major media companies broadcasting on YouNow include Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, MTV和美国达人秀.  该公司在纽约和洛杉矶设有办事处, YouNow得到了Oren Zeev和Venrock风投公司的支持, 联合广场投资公司和康卡斯特投资公司. 在推特和Instagram上关注YouNow.