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Jivox Targets Content Marketing and Data-Driven Advertising with New Version of Award-Winning Interactive Ad Platform

Jivox IQ Automates Ad Creation and Enables Dynamic Content Streams with Precise Targeting


今天在 IAB MIXXJivox, the leading multi-screen interactive advertising technology company, Jivox IQ宣布, its enhanced ad platform that enables digital agencies and publishers to produce and deliver highly-engaging ads that are dynamic, 多屏幕和数据驱动. With Jivox IQ brands can deliver more customized and relevant ads via any unit (pre-roll, 横幅, 等.)在任何装置上.

“We’re entering an era of brand publishing where the lines between content and advertising are blurring,迪亚兹·内萨莫尼说, Jivox的首席执行官和创始人. “However the task of assembling and delivering such content-rich ads or brand sponsored content has become significantly more complex due to the fact that the content has to be kept up to date, 目标明确, 而且必须在多个屏幕上呈现. 这就是Jivox IQ的用武之地. 通过消除广告创作的复杂性, and automating dynamic data-driven content updates and targeting, we are setting a new standard in interactive advertising.” 

Content marketing with enhanced native capabilities

The new content marketing features in Jivox IQ enable content streams to be embedded into a wide variety of more than 45 ad units including pre-roll ads, 显示横幅, IAB新星单位, 智能手机和平板电脑广告单元和定制广告单元. 主要特点包括:

  • 广告内容的动态更新:  Content embedded in ads or content units can be dynamically updated in place while the campaign is in flight.  This enables content to be refreshed without worrying about replacing or re-trafficking tags
  • 增强的原生广告功能: Support for feeds and other dynamically generated content feeds from the site or brand content including videos, 图片, 新闻, 社会提要, 等.
  • 定制尺寸的单位: Ability to create custom-sized content units for placement in paid and earned media. 
  • 多屏内容单元: 使用HTML5切换在所有屏幕上呈现.


The new data-driven capabilities in Jivox IQ enable content in ads to be dynamically changed based on various data sets available via a set of data application programming interfaces (APIs), 其中包括:

  • 天气: 收集了2000多个气象站的数据, Jivox’s weather API aggregates the data and assigns classifications. 使用这些集合分类, advertisers are able to assign specific creative based on a consumer’s local weather conditions (i.e. 温度、湿度等.). 例如, serving an ad for an cold drink if the recipient is a warm climate and vice versa or an ad promoting different garden products based on different weather conditions for planting.
  • 地点: This enables advertisers to dynamically serve content based on the location (i.e. city, zip code, and latitude/longitude) of the consumer. 例如, including a list of the “store nearest you” or serving the ad in a different language.
  • 日期/时间: Advertisers can program a different ad creative based on the time of day or day of the week. 例如, a retailer may want to promote different deals based on the day of the week or just before lunch. This can also be used for TV tune-in applications or other time-based messaging in an ad. 


Jivox is the leading multi-screen interactive advertising technology company. The Jivox IQ Platform enables digital agencies and publishers to produce and deliver highly engaging ads that are dynamic, 多屏幕和数据驱动. 使用Jivox IQ, interactive ads can be easily authored and served in-stream, in-横幅 and on smartphones and tablet devices featuring video, 富媒体, 动态内容, 可定制的小部件和社交共享. Jivox IQ eliminates the time consuming and expensive process of traditional code-based approaches and the challenges associated with delivering interactive ads across multiple screens and connected devices. Jivox also provides sophisticated campaign performance tracking, demographic analytics and purchase intent analytics via BrandGage — its proprietary real-time analytics platform. Several hundred media companies and agencies use Jivox, 包括大学幽默, 联合媒体, 肯尼迪Weiden +, 哈瓦斯, 互动的一个, 马提尼媒体, Mojiva, 太阳时报传媒, Universal McCann和Videology. Jivox广告的例子,请访问我们的 广告画廊 at