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New Opera TV 2.0 Debuts

Opera TV 2.0 delivers interactive content discovery on Smart TVs, 蓝光光盘播放器和机顶盒,以提高消费者的参与度和更量身定制的观看体验

LAS VEGAS(15 Jan 2016)

Smart TV, 蓝光光盘播放器和机顶盒制造商现在可以为他们的观众提供交互式内容发现体验 Opera TV 2.0. 在2016年国际消费电子展(CES)上首次亮相的新款Opera TV 2.0 brings video content to the forefront, 提供更大的内容个性化和对消费者偏好的更好理解. 下一代流行的基于html5的应用平台提供了量身定制的消费者观看体验,也为制造商和运营商创造了新的售后收入机会.

“今天的消费者想要一个专门的视频体验,应用程序内容是根据他们的喜好提供给他们的, location, language, and what content is new,” says Aneesh Rajaram, Senior Vice President for TV & Devices at Opera. “Opera TV是一个真正覆盖全球的智能电视解决方案. We’ve made it simple for operators and OEMs to deploy, 使他们能够轻松区分个性化内容并从中获利, 允许内容所有者和出版商将他们的内容带到消费者体验的顶端, increasing user engagement through fresh content.”

Opera TV 2.0 是一个托管的云解决方案,提供广泛的流行OTT内容选择-包括视频频道和剪辑, movies, apps, games and live TV from sources such as CinemaNow,  Crackle, IGN, Feeln, Pitbull, Paula Deen, Red Bull, TED, Washington Post and Young Hollywood, among others – directly to households. A new user interface (UI) organizes recommended, trending and most popular HD movies, videos and channels into neat rows, incorporating Opera curation for increased user engagement. This UI can be customized for increased viewer stickiness, 与策展和促销调度系统工具的地方增强个性化.

Enhancing the HD viewing experience, Opera TV 2.0允许消费者在他们最大的屏幕上参与、喜爱和享受高清内容. 除了将内容置于用户体验的首位之外, 整个解决方案是建立在我们800多个应用程序的基础上的,比如生活方式, Music, Kids, Nature and Travel, News and Weather, Sports, Social, Internet TV, and as well as many more. 游戏部分允许用户轻松访问使用HTML5开发并托管在云上的游戏. Universal search across all sections simplifies user discovery, 允许他们通过搜索特定术语或访问趋势关键字来享受广泛的投资组合. With the emphasis on a “lean back” experience, consumers can use a standard TV remote control to navigate, select and launch content. 他们也可以喜欢和关注他们最感兴趣的频道.

Monetization opportunities and billing support

Opera TV 2.0创建了一种内容发现的混合方法,可以在OTT平台的所有接触点上增加消费者的参与度. 这种功能根据内容消费者的观点开辟了新的售后收入机会, including advertising and billing capabilities.

Opera TV 2.0 comes with fully integrated support for video advertising. Built on Opera Mediaworks ad-serving and mediation platform, 一个强大的和可扩展的广告基础设施,使用超过19,000 sites and apps across smartphones, tablets and connected TVs, and reaching 1.1 billion users worldwide. 内容所有者和制造商可以依靠Opera的完全管理的货币化服务, 以及利用自助服务工具进行直接销售活动. Opera TV Ads SDK是一个一站式解决方案,用于在设备用户界面的任何地方放置视频广告, 包括通过应用程序定位用户和通过线性广播进行互动广告, where available.

Opera TV 2.0还简化了计费支持,与paypal支持的认证支付解决方案的无缝集成. Billing is integrated into the overall user experience, 允许消费者在几秒钟内购买额外的项目或扩展订阅. 该解决方案支持多种市场和货币,并通过第二个屏幕安全地进行帐户身份验证. 高级内容所有者还可以通过计费API向客户收取高级内容访问费用. 

Opera TV 2.0 to premiere on Hisense Smart TVs 

Opera TV 2.0 is coming to Hisense Smart TVs in the first quarter of 2016. Hisense is the fourth-largest global TV manufacturer, and this recent integration extends a partnership begun in 2013.

“Hisense believes that technology should make what we want to do, where we want to go and what we want to learn easier,” says Charlie Wang, Vice President of Hisense Group. “Opera TV 2.0通过根据消费者的观看习惯和偏好提供高度定制的内容,最大限度地提高了当今智能电视的功能.” 

About Opera TV 

Opera TV产品组合为数千万台智能电视提供了丰富的网络体验, set-top boxes, Blu-ray Disc players and chipsets for more than 60 customers. Opera TV生态系统横跨Opera TV Store应用程序平台,拥有数百款为电视量身定制的娱乐应用程序, 用于创建和呈现基于html5的用户界面的Opera Devices SDK(软件开发工具包)以及用于访问完整网络的Opera TV浏览器. Opera TV为原始设备制造商、付费电视运营商、广播公司和内容出版商提供解决方案. With the Opera Mediaworks advertising platform, Opera TV可以通过端到端广告解决方案帮助实现货币化,并为内容带来流量. Visit to learn more.

About Opera

Opera使全球超过3.5亿的互联网用户能够连接到对他们最重要的内容和服务. Opera还帮助出版商通过广告将其内容货币化,而广告商也能接触到为其业务创造价值的受众, 利用超过10亿的全球消费者受众.