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Intertrust announces a new report titled “2022 Secure Streaming & Broadcast Workflows,,这表明广播电视在可预见的未来仍将是可行的, despite the growth of streaming, and suggests the video industry will evolve to a hyb

San Francisco, CA(03 Feb 2022)

SAN FRANCISCO—Feb. 3, 2022—Intertrust, a global leader in media security and anti-piracy services, today announced the release of a new report titled “2022 Secure Streaming & Broadcast Workflows.报告显示,在可预见的未来,广播电视仍将是可行的, despite the growth of streaming, and suggests the video industry will evolve to a hybrid approach, 线性广播与视频点播(VOD)内容和直播共存. 

Broadcasting and streaming are increasingly blending into a single, unified user experience to support this hybrid approach. 基于互联电视(CTV)和运营商应用程序的用户界面将是关键, 取代传统的电子节目指南进行内容发现和导航. 因此,具有分层保护的融合安全解决方案将成为行业规范.

“广播电视高管和流媒体专业人士都有一个共同的目标,即吸引和留住用户,以提高投资回报率,” said Tim Siglin, 帮助我流研究基金会的创始执行董事和调查报告的作者. “我们的研究表明,流媒体和线性广播媒体的融合已经发展到消费者主要关心他们看什么和在哪里看的程度, not whose OTT or Pay TV service that they are using.” 

The 2022 Secure Streaming & Broadcast Workflows Report found that, despite dire industry warnings, 63%的受访者在流媒体行业工作,他们表示直播电视和广播电视不会很快消失. Responding to a question about their vision of TV’s future, 42%的受访者认为,通过HbbTV和atsc3等标准同时使用流媒体和广播传输的融合服务具有重要价值.0.

而近一半的受访者认为反盗版服务是保留收入的一种手段, 数字版权管理(DRM)是打击盗版的主要方法(22%), followed by geo-blocking (18%), content monitoring (16%), forensic watermarking (10%), and application shielding (10%). 结果表明,包括这些方法在内的分层方法将最好地满足市场需求.

“我们与Intertrust的最新合作表明,随着这两种传输方式的融合, content security is still vital,” said Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, Vice President and Editor of Streaming Media. “业界认识到,使用强大的反盗版服务对于阻止盗版和吸引新用户至关重要.”

The following are the key trends from the Report:

  • Broadcast TV will evolve to a hybrid approach, 线性广播与视频点播和流媒体直播服务共存.
  • User interfaces, 最有可能是联网电视上的精致电子节目指南(epg)和运营商应用程序(OpApps), will be key to this hybrid approach.
  • ??融合的媒体消费(广播和流)需要融合的安全解决方案.
  • 版权管理解决方案仍然是碎片化的,这突出了对多drm方法的需求.
  • A complementary, layered security approach should include geo-blocking and DRM, as well as proactive application shielding and content monitoring.

“我们与流媒体一起进行了这项调查,以揭示安全流媒体和广播趋势及其在反盗版工作流程中的作用. 该报告指出,不仅需要多drm方法来保护优质内容, but that a comprehensive, 分层反盗版解决方案对于保护服务提供商的收入也至关重要,” said Manas Mati, Managing Director, Intertrust ExpressPlay.

Intertrust的ExpressPlay媒体安全套件为广播电视和流媒体服务提供融合的安全解决方案. Based on Marlin DRMExpressPlay XCA使广播内容的安全,直接到电视交付. ExpressPlay DRM为任何规模和规模的流媒体平台提供可扩展和低延迟的多DRM服务. ExpressPlay反盗版是另一层提供广泛的安全和反盗版工具, such as forensic watermarking, content and web monitoring, and application protection, 它们提供了一种互补的分层安全方法,以补充强大的多drm产品.

The Report was conducted in Q4 2021 by Streaming Media, Intertrust, and the Help Me Stream Research Foundation, and surveyed 227 leading content creators, 媒体和娱乐行业的广播公司和分销商.  

To download the full 2022 Secure Streaming & Broadcast Workflows Report, please click here.

About Intertrust 

Intertrust为全球领先的移动企业提供可靠的计算产品和服务, consumer electronics and IoT manufacturers, to service providers and enterprise software platform companies. These products include ExpressPlay, 全球领先的数字版权管理(DRM)和反盗版服务提供商,为广播版权所有者和分销商提供优化服务, live and VOD content. Founded in 1990, Intertrust总部设在硅谷,在伦敦设有地区办事处, Tokyo, Mumbai, Bangalore, Beijing, Seoul, and Tallinn. The company has a legacy of invention, 它在计算机安全和数字信任领域的基本贡献是全球公认的. Intertrust拥有数百项对互联网安全至关重要的专利, trust, and privacy management components of operating systems, trusted mobile code and networked operating environments, web services, and cloud computing. Additional information about ExpressPlay is available at at or followed on Twitter or LinkedIn. Intertrust can be found at intertrust.comTwitter or LinkedIn.

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