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声波铸造 Announces Speech-to-Text Integration in Mediasite to Create 更多的 搜索able, 访问视频

With Mediasite video creation up 49 percent year-over-year and views hitting 35 million per year, the need to index and search the content has never been greater

内华达州拉斯维加斯. InfoComm展位#C3460(2018年6月6日)

声波铸造公司. (纳斯达克:代表作), the trusted global leader for video creation and 管理 solutions, today announces powerful new search and translation features in Mediasite Video Platform that create the most accessible, 交互式视频体验成为可能.
New integrations with technologies like IBM Watson combine powerful speech-to-text cloud services with Mediasite’s rich video analytics and search capabilities. Paired with Mediasite’s unique ability to create intelligent, dynamic and secure video portals based on metadata indexes, integration with Watson provides yet another powerful tool for further optimizing content delivery. The result is customers have deeper insights than ever before into their data. 同时, Watson’s advanced audio transcriptions enhance Mediasite search and accessibility for more accurate closed-captioning, automatically detecting audio from many languages in real-time and identifying and transcribing what is being discussed, 即使是低质量的音频.
“Business and education outcomes can be directly tied to the data that resides in video 管理 systems, 像Mediasite, and the accumulation of that data presents a powerful opportunity. Mediasite users create and deliver massive amounts of video – 35 million hours are viewed each year and creation is up 49 percent year-over-year. Mediasite is a strategic source of viewership data from which AI applications can learn,加里·韦斯说, 首席执行官, 声波铸造.
Weis continued: “Integrating speech-to-text technology into Mediasite creates an even richer viewing experience. Viewers can search for interesting moments in time and build engaging discussions around them with Mediasite’s interactive features. It’s an exciting time, and the possibilities are endless when the worlds of video and AI converge.”
Mediasite has always used optical character recognition to auto-scan and index recognizable text in video, 使庞大的视频库更容易被发现. Mediasite extracts keywords from anything said or shown in PowerPoint slides, 截屏, 笔迹, 注释和标签, and that metadata is used for returning search results.
Speech-to-text integration gives Mediasite full content search for everything said and shown in many languages, automatically indexing it without the need for manually adding tags. +, 它会自动删除感叹词, vocal pauses and filler words to create cleaner transcripts especially valuable in higher education where accessibility requirements are high.
The 2017 Campus Computing Project found that many CIOs and IT leaders in higher education are interested in AI for the analytics to improve decision making. They’re also looking at it as a means for more personalized instruction.
通过Mediasite的语音转文本功能, students and faculty can instantly pinpoint specific moments in videos and enrich the experience by facilitating discussions around the video content in Mediasite with annotations, 评论, 投票和测验功能.
“CIOs acknowledge the need to do a better job of using data for decision making and are eager to find ways to enhance student engagement in instruction. AI provides a resource for both,” said Casey Green, Founder of the Campus Computing Project.
受教育机构信赖, 公司和政府机构, 声波铸造’s patented Mediasite Video Platform quickly and cost-effectively automates the capture, 管理, delivery and search of large volumes of live and on-demand rich video.
声波铸造 (NASDAQ:SOFO) is the global leader for video capture, 管理和流解决方案. 4人以上信任,700所教育机构, 公司, health organizations and government entities in over 65 countries, its Mediasite Video Platform quickly and cost-effectively automates the capture, 管理, delivery and search of live and on-demand streaming videos. Leading research firms Aragon, Forrester, Wainhouse and Frost & Sullivan recognize 声波铸造 as a leader in enterprise video, webcasting and lecture capture. 更多信息请访问www.sonicfoundry.Com和@mediasite.