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Tekserve, Avid和Apple现在Avid Everywhere Workshop

专家和客户将在周四探索Avid的新协作工作流解决方案, June 5, 2014

New York, NY(29 May 2014)

Tekserve,为创意专业人士提供技术解决方案的领先供应商 Avid and Apple 很高兴推出独家Avid Everywhere工作坊, “Discover the Power of Collaborative Workflows” on June 5 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 在曼哈顿东59街55号弗洛伦斯·古尔德大厅的法国学院. Jeff Rosica, Avid的全球现场运营高级副总裁将分享Avid Everywhere的独家视角, Avid’s vision for the future of the media industry.

“随着创意产业继续跟上向高分辨率媒体快速转变的步伐, 复杂的交付工作流和远程创意百家乐软件, Avid Everywhere is there ahead of these changes, offering one of the most innovative solutions to date,” says Rosica. “媒体专业人士被邀请参加这次独家活动,在此期间,他们将能够从Tekserve的领先专家那里获得见解, Avid和苹果讨论了Avid Everywhere如何塑造媒体行业的未来,以及客户如何成为范式转变的一部分.”

Attendees will learn how to create, manage, and monetize media in one end-to-end environment, 与世界上任何地方的任何人联系和协作, access and share media everywhere via the cloud, 轻松地将内容分发到各种渠道,并通过订阅和浮动许可选项最大化编辑投资.

“Tekserve很荣幸能与行业领先的专家一起参加这次活动,以我们的集体技术见解吸引社区,” says Jerry Gepner, CEO, Tekserve. “我们的团队将讨论他们如何使用Avid工具和解决方案来最大限度地发挥他们的创意才能, 同时在竞争日益激烈的市场中保持盈利. 我们期待着这个拥挤的活动,肯定会有创意和信息.”

有兴趣的参加者可在网上预先登记: rsvp.tekserve.com/tekserve-presents-avid-everywhere 并计划在活动当天下午1点到9点之间到达报到.m. to 1:30 p.m. 欢迎与会者与Cisco、LaCie、Magma、JB的代表进行交流&A、ATTO、Spectra Logic、Telestream和康宁公司在下午1:30等待正式开球.m. From 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.Jeff Rosica将介绍Avid Everywhere愿景的概述. Following Rosica’s presentation, 苹果公司将于下午2:30分享其新Mac Pro的独家信息.m. to 3 p.m.

A break will then follow, 参与者被邀请与Tekserve的顶级媒体供应商建立联系, while enjoying refreshments, from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Avid随后将举行两场演示:一场“视频无处不在”演示, 参考远程编辑与Avid Media Composer从下午3:30.m. to 4 p.m. and a Broadcast Everywhere demonstration, 详细介绍使用Avid MediaCentral平台的端到端解决方案.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

客户小组讨论将从下午4:30开始.m. to 5 p.m. featuring Jesse Averna, multiple Emmy-award winning editor, Zak Tucker, Owner of Harbor Picture Company, John Gallagher, 曼哈顿社区学院媒体中心主任和克里斯·富兰克林, Owner of Big Sky Edit. 下午5点,Tekserve的顶级媒体供应商将出席闭幕招待会.m. to 6 p.m.

有兴趣的与会者可在网上预先登记 http://rsvp.tekserve.com/tekserve-presents-avid-everywhere 并被鼓励通过社交媒体分享他们的现场经历. 那些不能停下来的人也被邀请加入对话并可以使用 #ProVideo when referencing the event on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Tekserve), Twitter (@Tekserve), Instagram (@Tekserve), YouTube (www.youtube.com/tekserve) and LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/company/tekserve).

About Avid

Through Avid Everywhere, Avid delivers the industry's most open, 连接内容创作与协作的创新综合媒体平台, asset protection, distribution and consumption for the most listened to, 世界上最受关注和最受喜爱的媒体——从最负盛名和获奖的故事片, music recordings, and television shows, to live concerts and news broadcasts. 行业领先的解决方案包括Pro Tools, Media Composer, ISIS, Interplay和Sibelius. 有关Avid解决方案和服务的更多信息,请访问 www.avid.com, connect with Avid on FacebookTwitterYouTubeLinkedInGoogle+; or subscribe to Avid Blogs.

About Tekserve

Tekserve提供广泛的企业服务, 解决方案和产品,以支持从金融和零售到媒体和娱乐等领域的企业的技术需求. 采用一流的产品,从广泛的技术制造商, Tekserve helps clients by identifying, engineering, 为他们的技术挑战部署和支持最好的解决方案.

从其位于纽约切尔西的著名零售店, Tekserve, stocks a wide variety of Apple products, accessories, storage solutions and display devices. Tekserve also provides system rentals, workshops and certified training, as well as the finest repair and support services. Since its inception in 1987, Tekserve一直致力于为客户和周边社区提供服务. For more information, visit www.tekserve.com.