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Telestream Vantage Helps Adstream Integrate Media Processing Within its AWS Cloud Platform

Global ad services network realizes greater scalability, flexibility and growth potential

加州内华达市 (25 Oct 2018)

Telestream, a leading a leading provider of digital media orchestration and delivery solutions, 今天宣布总部位于洛杉矶的 Adstream, a global digital asset management and advertising delivery technology company, 总部设在伦敦, has chosen both cloud and on-premises deployments of the Vantage media processing platform to automate its high-volume media transcoding and 质量 analytics needs. 通过其全球广告服务网络, 广告流使世界各大品牌, 广告公司, and media and entertainment companies to better manage the speed, 质量, 以及广告活动的成本.

而不是从事繁重的劳动, time-consuming process of contacting and managing siloed suppliers, 比如制作公司, 后的房子, 广播网络, Adstream gives users a single portal where they can quickly assess the status of their ad campaigns, 做决定和改变, 管理媒体资产, 并控制过程中每个阶段的成本.

Vantage自动化了许多最苛刻的任务, 对时间敏感的创意, 生产, and distribution tasks that involve media processing. “我们选择以Vantage为基础,因为它是一个经过验证的产品, 功能齐全的自动化平台, and we trust Telestream to further expand its capabilities to address changing market needs,史蒂文·W评论道。. Brown, Chief Operating Officer/North America, for Adstream.

有超过27个客户,000 businesses and over 2 million 媒体资产 in its cloud storage environment, Adstream has now converted its Telestream Vantage media processing platform to a fully virtualized configuration that seamlessly dovetails with its AWS-based infrastructure.

“By adopting this Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud model, 哪个选项支持自动动态缩放, we now have greater operational flexibility to handle the peaks and lulls of our workload. We can instantly provision whatever level of compute power we need to satisfy customer demand, and cloud-based pay-as-you-go pricing enables us to better control costs,布朗说.

Adstream’s virtualized Vantage is now cost-effectively leveraging AWS dynamic scaling to swiftly handle transcoding demands, 无缝适应工作负载波动. 到目前为止, Adstream has integrated Vantage and other technologies to create end-to-end workflows and services for many cloud-based processes such as:

  • 使用 .SCC和其他封闭字幕文件
  • 水印,包括尼尔森和Kantar方案
  • Media 质量 analytics, including LKFS loudness compliance
  • 高质量Vantage转码
  • NTSC/PAL conversion with Tachyon from Telestream partner Cinnafilm

The Adstream platform is now robust enough that top brands, 广告公司, and media and entertainment companies can collaborate with their creatives and suppliers, 管理媒体资产, and execute global ad campaigns—complete with timely approvals, job tracking and reporting—even when the key participants are located in different places and time zones.

平台本身是非常广阔的, 与广泛的云服务接口, 包括AWS S3存储, AWS RDS区域数据库服务, 以及75个以上的分销门户,在全球范围内连接了5000个媒体网络. 更重要的是, Adstream ensures a high degree of security by maintaining control over the 媒体资产 that customers entrust to their platform.

而广告流现在完全部署在云端, the company still operates a back-end infrastructure, including a large 生产 services department that uses Avid editing and Adobe graphics systems. This facility also uses Telestream Switch Pro for 质量 control file inspection and correction, as well as Telestream CaptionMaker and MacCaption closed captioning software.

As their labor-intensive closed captioning workflow becomes increasingly automated, Brown estimates that they’ve been able to reduce the manhours they must devote to closed captioning services by 40%.

“This operational efficiency reduces overhead costs and helps increase profit margins, while freeing up our core staff to manage other pressing tasks at our growing company,布朗说. “We’re also able to invest more time and money in improving front-ends and feature sets that our customers want.”

“By building all of these Vantage-automated workflows into a single, 统一AWS生态系统, we’re able to deliver an on-demand service model that inherently controls costs,布朗补充道. ”,最终, we’re helping our customers manage their own operating costs, 媒体资产, and global ad management and distribution objectives.”