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Vilynx Launches Intelligent In-line Video Ad Insertion Technology for Digital Publishers

First-to-market in-line video ad preview technology leverages viewers’ video browsing habits to offer online publishers new revenue opportunities


Vilynx (,第一视频preview platform that dramatically increases consumer video play rates and engagement times, today announced its first-to-market intelligent in-line video ad insertion technology for online video publishers.  The smart in-line ad insertion technology works concurrently with Vilynx’s five-second video preview solution based on user engagement and video views. The algorithm decides the best moment to insert the ad to maximize ad view rates without disrupting the user’s video browsing experience. Vilynx’s advanced technology means online publishers can now leverage consumers’ browsing habits with targeted in-line advertisements that drive a new revenue stream. 

Vilynx preview technology is a proven solution to increase video play rates by more than three times the industry average and increase engagement times more than six fold. 另一个关键优势是它对手机的影响, where bandwidth cost and battery constraints are limiting video consumption. Vilynx offers a better mobile native advertising experience that overcomes the screen size limitation by adding the smart in-line ad insertion solution to the video preview.

"The ability to maximize revenue for existing video inventory is key to the growth of any publisher,丹尼尔·蒂贝茨评论道, Machinima的首席内容官. "Vilynx does a great job driving increased video play rates with their preview technology, and now publishers have a new revenue stream with the Vilynx's in-line ad solution for browsing videos."

Vilynx in-line ad insertion technology comes at a time when online video advertising is surging upward.  根据eMarketer, 51.9 百分比 营销专业人士 worldwide cite video as the type of content with the best ROI, and U.S. 数字视频广告 消费额将从目前的4美元增长近一倍.从2013年的140亿美元降至8亿美元.2016年为4040亿美元. New innovation in the online video sector such as Vilynx has developed continues to drive and accelerate this growth. Digital publishers who fail to take advantage of online video – the fastest growing segment within the advertising sector – stand to lose.

The explosive growth we’re seeing in the online video advertising market provides a huge revenue opportunity for online publishers,胡安·卡洛斯·里维罗说, 首席执行官兼联合创始人, Vilynx. “The algorithm for our smart in-line ad technology finds the right moment to insert the ad into video preview without sacrificing user experience.  We’re excited to help publishers and ecommerce brands get results and grow their revenue.”

The Vilynx video preview technology now combined with in-line advertising provides an exceptional online video discovery experience for consumers. It removes the hassle of manually scrubbing through videos for the content they need, and enables them to preview a video’s content without pressing the play button. The addition of in-line ad insertion technology into the Vilynx video preview gives publishers greater control over which ads are seen in a more targeted way, 从而获得更高的广告投资回报率.



Vilynx is the video consumption and analytics technology that dramatically increases consumer video play rates and engagement times. We are changing the way the world views videos by providing viewers with a visual “sneak peek” into every video before they hit play. 强大的分析跟踪, 测量, and analyze customer video performance to help improve content, 并保持观众的积极参与. Vilynx is enhancing the static thumbnail by adding intelligent video previews. We offer simple integration with just one line of code, and access across a wide range of devices and platforms.

Vilynx is a privately held company backed by Ridgewood Capital and Joe Golden (former Accel General Partner). The company is based in Menlo Park, California, New York City, and Barcelona. 跟着我们走 推特像我们一样 脸谱网,请阅读我们的 博客,或在