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Media Server Software Leader Brings Simple, Cost-Effective, 任何屏幕流式传输到更多的组织比以往任何时候

Evergreen, CO(08 Mar 2012)

Wowza Media Systems, “任何屏幕做对了”媒体服务器软件公司, today announced it has surpassed 100,000 licensees for its Wowza Media Server software. Organizations of all sizes from around the world, including broadcasters, educators, service providers, and houses of worship, use Wowza software to stream media to any screen.

Terra (www.terra.com)是一家全球数字媒体公司和双语内容生产商,在包括美国在内的18个国家开展业务. In Latin America, Terra是该地区领先的互联网公司,每月有8100万独立访问者. Luiz Antonio Cassetari Vieira Filho, senior support analyst at Terra, commented, “我们在拉丁美洲的CDN上使用了100多台Wowza媒体服务器来提供现场活动, such as music shows and sports, to multiple screens. 我们对Wowza Media Server软件的性能、稳定性和支持非常满意."

“我们感谢所有帮助我们实现这一重要里程碑的客户," said Dave Stubenvoll, Wowza Media Systems CEO and co-founder. "Wowza Media Server® 3是一个领先的平台,因为它简化了在复杂的流协议混合中任意屏幕流的部署, players, and devices. 我们的承诺是继续发展我们的平台,帮助客户不仅广泛地提供内容, 但也要通过转型来增加价值,从而获得最大的流媒体投资回报, enhancing, protecting, managing, and monetizing content."

另一个体验过Wowza Media Server软件强大功能的客户是CBC新媒体集团, LLC (www.cbcnewmedia.com). CBC is a division of Capitol Broadcasting Company, 一家多元化的通信公司,在北卡罗来纳州拥有和/或经营几家广播电台和电视台, 以及微空间通信公司(内容交付提供商), Sunrise Broadcasting, and other interests. Jason Priebe, director of technology for CBC New Media Group, LLC, said, “Wowza媒体服务器软件的多功能性使CBC新媒体集团可以自由地使用我们首选的操作系统来编码实时视频流, 同时也使我们能够轻松地向各种桌面和移动平台提供内容."

Danish station TV2 East (www.tv2east.dk), the major TV news-programming provider in the region, 同时也受益于Wowza Media Server软件. TV2 East不仅在丹麦全境进行广播, 而且还提供全天候直播,并在互联网和移动设备上提供按需观看的节目. TV2 East New Media Manager András Ács stated, “我们将服务器设置在本地硬件和Amazon EC2上, Wowza Media Server软件可以持续完美地工作. When we have questions, we always get personal attention and support, 尽管大多数答案和操作方法都可以在Wowza论坛上找到. Wowza Media Server软件是我长期以来使用过的最好的IT产品之一."

Wowza Media Server 3 is the industrial-strength, high-performance software that simultaneously streams live and on-demand media to any screen - Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight-enabled computers and devices; iPhone/iPad, Android, and other smartphones and tablets; smart TVs; as well as IPTV/OTT set-top endpoints. 它为各种高价值特性提供了一个单一的可扩展平台, including live transcoding for adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming; any-screen, time-shifted playback; and premium content delivery with multiplatform digital rights management (DRM).

2012 NAB展会的与会者被邀请参观Wowza Media Systems展位,了解Wowza Media Server 3如何使媒体流简单且经济高效地适用于任何行业的任何屏幕. 示威活动将于4月16日至19日在拉斯维加斯会议中心举行, South Hall Upper Level, in booth SU9702.

有关Wowza Media Server软件及其插件的更多信息,请访问 www.wowza.com.

About Wowza Media Systems

Wowza Media Systems是一家“Any Screen Done Right”媒体服务器软件公司,为流媒体直播视频提供工业强度的基础设施, video-on-demand, live recording, and video chat. Wowza专注于为服务提供商提供高性能的媒体服务器软件, media properties, enterprises, 和其他组织认真地传送视频到任何数字屏幕-计算机, mobile phone, or home TV. More than 100,000 global licensees in entertainment, social media, advertising, enterprise, education, government, 到目前为止,互联网商务已经部署了Wowza媒体服务器. Wowza Media Systems是一家私人控股公司,总部位于科罗拉多州常青市. More information is available at www.wowza.com