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Wowza Media Systems and Verimatrix Partner; Preview Secure Any-Screen Streaming Solution at 2011 NAB Show

与Verimatrix VCAS集成的Wowza媒体服务器使移动电话实时直播和VOD DRM成为可能, Connected TVs, Set-Top Boxes, and More Devices

Las Vegas, 2011 NAB Show(11 Apr 2011)

Wowza Media Systems®, the any screen done rightTM media server company, and Verimatrix, 在全球范围内为多屏数字电视确保和增加收入方面的专家, today integration of Wowza Media Server® 3 with the Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCASTM) for Internet TV key management. 该集成为实时和点播Web和超顶级服务提供了强大且真正安全的HTTP Live Streaming (HLS),以及动态数字版权管理(DRM).


“Wowza带来了一套独特的功能来应对实时视频转码和传输的挑战," said Steve Oetegenn, chief sales and marketing officer at Verimatrix. “因为Wowza对标准HLS协议的实现非常强大, 与VCAS密钥管理解决方案的集成非常简单. 因此,Wowza客户可以为各种类型的客户端设备提供优质服务."


Equipped with the Wowza DRMTM software AddOn, Wowza Media Server 3使用Verimatrix VCAS提供安全的密钥交换, 并为包括机顶盒(stb)在内的各种设备上的观众动态加密单独的视频片段,用于HTTP Live Streaming。, connected TVs, iPhones®, iPads®, and AndroidTM tablets. 注册和跟踪单个设备的选项, 以及管理内容观看的设备权限,使得互联网电视的VCAS比传统的HTTP Live Streaming加密机制有了显著的增强. Verimatrix VCAS与Wowza Media Server 3的集成提高了灵活的商业模式的潜力,可以帮助OTT付费服务追加销售内容, and cross-sell content for multilayer, multi-device distribution.


“与Verimatrix的合作使我们能够为需要工作室认可的安全性来交付优质内容的客户提供最佳解决方案," said Dave Stubenvoll, CEO and co-founder of Wowza Media Systems. 此次整合为Wowza Media Server 3不断增长的增值功能套件增加了另一个维度, 我们的客户可以利用它来扩展有利可图的服务, simplify delivery workflows, and lower their overall costs."  


与Wowza DRM插件,以及最近宣布的Wowza TranscoderTM and Wowza Network DVRTM AddOns, Wowza Media Server 3消除了自适应比特率流的配置复杂性, reduces needed access bandwidth by up to 80 percent, 并且能够更好地利用路由器和交换机等网络百家乐软件. 结果不仅简单,而且提高了整个系统的可靠性和总体成本.


Wowza Media Server 3预计将在2011年第三季度全面发布, 届时,所有目前的Wowza Media Server 2授权用户都将有资格免费升级到新平台. 查看2011年NAB展会上联合解决方案的现场演示, visit Wowza Media Systems at booth SU9313, and Verimatrix at booth SU6207.


欲了解更多信息,请访问Wowza的网站www.wowzamedia.com and Verimatrix at www.verimatrix.com.


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About Verimatrix

Verimatrix 专门从事全球多屏幕数字电视服务的收入保障和增加. 屡获殊荣并独立审核的Verimatrix视频内容授权系统(VCASTM) and ViewRight® solutions offer an innovative approach for cable, satellite, terrestrial, 以及IPTV运营商以经济有效的方式扩展其网络并实现新的商业模式. As the recognized leader in software-based security solutions for premier service providers, Verimatrix has pioneered the 3-Dimensional Security approach 这提供了灵活的保护技术层,以解决不断变化的业务需求和收入威胁. Maintaining close relationships with major studios, broadcasters, industry organizations, and its unmatched partner ecosystem 使Verimatrix能够在运营商寻求提供引人注目的新服务时,提供除内容安全之外的数字电视业务问题的独特视角. For more information, please visit www.verimatrix.com, our Pay TV Views blog and follow us at @verimatrixinc and LinkedIn to join the conversation. 


About Wowza Media Systems

Wowza Media Systems® 这家一流的媒体服务器软件公司是否为实时视频提供了工业级的基础设施, video-on-demand, live recording, and video chat. Wowza® 是否专注于向服务提供商交付高性能媒体服务器软件, media properties, enterprises, 和其他组织认真地传送视频到任何数字屏幕-计算机, mobile phone, or home TV. More than 70,000 global licensees in entertainment, social media, advertising, enterprise, education, government, 到目前为止,互联网商务已经部署了Wowza的媒体服务器软件. Wowza Media Systems是一家私人控股公司,总部位于科罗拉多州常青市. More information is available at www.wowzamedia.com.


Wowza, Wowza Media Systems, Wowza Media Server及相关标识是Wowza Media Systems的注册商标或商标, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. 所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产.